
composure n.鎮靜,沉著。 keep [lose] one's c...


I feel that my heart , along with my composure , slowly dies 當眼淚欲奪眶而出時,我感覺到我的心在沉靜中慢慢熄滅。

“ drink , then , “ replied he , still with the same cold composure “那就喝吧, ”他回答著,依然冷酷如前,不動聲色。

“ drink , then , “ replied he , still with the same cold composure “那么,喝吧, ”他說道,仍然是冷冷地不動聲色。

Will he maintain his gentlemanly composure , 他保持著步伐

Keep calm : don ' t lose your composure 保持鎮靜,不要慌張。

The baron ' s cry startled the baroness completely out of her composure 男爵的叫喊使男爵夫人驚慌失態。

He was obviously very shocked but he soon regained his composure 顯然,他很震驚,但很快又恢復了鎮靜。

There ' s too much to lose ! we ' ve got to just keep our composure 已經多到不會輸了!咱們只要保持冷靜

“ that sister - in - law answers with great composure : “ the youth 那位大嫂泰然自若地回答說: “青年?

He behaved with great composure 對立面的雙方互為存在的條件。

Sorry , guys , i lost my composure out there . i ' m an idiot 對不起,伙計們,我不冷靜.我是個笨蛋

Keep calm ; don ' t lose your composure 保持鎮靜,不要驚慌失措。

I did my best to regain my composure 我盡了最大的努力恢復鎮靜。

When the bad luck came upon her , she showed her composure 當遇到不幸的時候,她表現得很鎮靜。

Freedom from affectation or embarrassment ; composure 泰然自若,沉著不受影響或不尷尬;冷靜

We should keep our composure in danger 我們在危險的時候應該保持冷靜。

She recovered herself / her composure and smiled 她恢復了常態[鎮靜] ,笑了笑

We ' ve got to keep our composure ! we ' ve come too far 咱們要沉著!咱們已經做了很多

Control , composure , vision , awareness , everything 他組織起了我們整支球隊。 ”