
compost n.1.混合物,合成物。2.【農業】混合肥料,堆肥;混合...


Standard test method for determining the stability of compost by measuring oxygen consumption 通過測量氧消耗對堆肥的穩定性測定的標準試驗方法

Study on inoculation of thermophilic microbial community aerobic composting of the urban domestic wastes 高溫菌群接種生活垃圾好氧堆肥的實驗

Effects of inorganic fertilizer amendments on dairy waste composting and phosphorus availability 添加無機肥料對高溫堆肥化及磷素有效性的影響

Effect of different bulking agents on transformation of nitrogen during sewage sludge composting 不同填料對城市污泥堆肥堆體溫度動態變化影響

A light bulb went off in my head . of course , composting is an act of humility 在我的腦海里突然萌生一種想法.當然,堆肥化是一項謙卑的行為

A plastic sheet was pegged down over the compost heap to hasten decomposition 把塑料布鋪蓋在肥堆上,并用木樁固定好,以加速肥料腐爛。

A plastic sheet was pegged down over the compost heap to hasten decomposition 把塑料布覆蓋在肥堆上,并用木樁固定好,以加速肥料的分解。

Applicatian of dgge and t - rfpl on study of community configuration of microbe in composting process 在堆肥微生物群落結構研究中的應用

Introduction of continuable development of compost technology for treating household garbage 淺論南寧市生活垃圾堆肥技術的可持續發展

The study on sludge containing chromium through composting treatment and applied effects 含鉻污泥的堆肥化處理及其復合肥的應用效果

Organic waste , like fruit peels and eggshells can go in the compost bucket 你可以把有機廢物如水果皮和蛋殼丟到堆肥回收桶。

Advance in biodegradation of lignin by fungus and expectation of research in aerobic compost 真菌多糖免疫活性的研究進展

A light bulb went off in my head . of course , composting is an act of humility 我恍然大悟。堆肥當然是一種謙卑的行為。

Effects of mixture of compost and chick - muck on improvement of salinized soil 內蒙古東部地區鹽漬土資源概況及改良利用

Aquarius : organizes your piles of junk into charity , recycle and compost 水瓶座人變廢為寶,懂得如何回收和利用垃圾。

Technical specification for static aerobic composting of municipal solid waste 城市生活垃圾好氧靜態堆肥處理技術規程

But remember not to leave meat and dairy products in the compost 但是,記住不要再混合肥料中加上肉和日常生活垃圾。

Effects of effective microorganisms compost on summer maize growth and development 堆肥對夏玉米生長發育的影響研究

Investigation on high - efficiency biological compost made of stalks and the device 高效生物秸稈制肥及制肥設備初探