
compositor n.【印刷】排字工人。


Then , on the basis of taking reference from the existed study and combining the reality of area and the facility of collecting and processing data and the selection of calculation method , this thesis selects and constructs a new scientific set of index system judging the regional whole competitiveness , and looks up all the relative data of 2002 according to the system , and carries on factor analyses to the data of index system through the soft ware of spss , and gests the scores and compositor of regional whole competitiveness for chinese three core areas at present . thirdly this thesis simply analyzes the advantage and disadvantage of yangtze river delta , trying to find the advantage and disadvantage now existing in this area . finally , it brings forward the countermeasure and suggestion for upgrading the whole competitiveness of yangtze river delta 論文首先研究整體競爭力的相關理論體系,為長三角的整體競爭力研究提供可靠的理論依據,其次借鑒現有研究成果基礎上,結合區情實際、數據收集和處理的可操作性以及計量方法的選用,構建了一套新的科學的區域整體競爭力評價指標體系,并對該指標體系查取了2002年的最新數據,利用spss軟件對選取的指標體系數據進行了因子統計分析,得出了的我國三大核心區域的整體競爭力得分和排序;再次對長三角整體競爭力優劣勢進行簡要分析,找出長三角目前存在的主要優勢和劣勢;最后提出提升長三角整體競爭力的對策建議。

The author studies the effects of the courseware , using mathematical and statistical methods , among which are model of unilateral and bi - directional assess table , model of multi - factor compositor assess table , chi square test , model of x - s plane analysis , synthetical object evaluation , z test , s - p table , etc . this paper includes five parts . part i illustrates the research background , contents , research steps and methods of the task . part ii explains the basic theories of this study 全文共分五部分展開論述:第一章闡明課題的研究背景、研究內容、研究步步驟與方法;第二章闡述本研究所應用的基礎理論;第三章論述基于網絡教學平臺流媒體課件的設計與制作;第四章論述基于網絡教學平臺的流媒體課件在遠程學習中的應用研究與效果分析;第五章為研究結論與建議。

On the basis of the theory of the fuzzy optimize design and the fuzzy compositor and the normal engineering mathematics method , the mathematics models of confirmation of optimize quality standard and quality cost proportion in the design sage is put forward ; the real time control model in the construction stage is put forward based on the fuzzy control theory . the three models are all easily handled and precise and could be used in real work 本文運用模糊數學的原理,提出了工程設計階段的最優質量水平的計算模型、最佳質量成本比例的計算模型;在施工階段則根據模糊控制原理,提出了質量成本的實時控制模型。這三個數學模型都具有良好的可操作性和精確度,有一定的工程實際意義。

Then , according to the study of wetland ecological functions , the indexs to the stability of wetland system was established . through the analysis of these indexes using a method of aph ( analytic hierarchy process ) , the compositor , the relative importance of the indexes and the degree of system stability was calculated 然后,基于對洪湖濕地生態功能分析,建立洪湖濕地系統穩定性指標體系;采用層次分析法求出各穩定性評價指標的排序結果和各指標權重;計算出該濕地區域系統穩定性的穩定程度。

In optimal decision model : ( t ) nine main environmental impact indexes are summarized and qualmed from the main aspect of environmental impact of road construction based on the principles of comparability and measurability ; ? calculate each index with analytic hierarchy process , and introduce the concepts of educing matrix and absolute coincidence matrix to adjust judgment matrix in order to meet with satisfactory consistency ; ( 3 ) introduce the distance to calculate the weight of expert ; ? analyze the relationship coefficients with gray relationship method , then integrate the weights of indices and experts with them to obtain the compositor of ail of the schemes 在方案優選模塊中:針對公路建設中環境影響評價滯后于公路建設的現象,將環境因素的影響提到設計階段,并對環境指標進行了重點分析,提出了用于比選的9個定量指標;采用層次分析法確定各級指標的權重,并對判斷矩陣予以修正;引入距離測度的概念解決各專家的權值問題;運用灰色關聯法分析各指標的關聯系數,并結合指標權重、專家權重,最終得到各方案的關聯度優劣排序。

He scanned the long column , which mostly concerned bakers , bushel - men , cooks , compositors , drivers , and the like , finding two things only which arrested his eye . one was a cashier wanted in a wholesale furniture house , and the other a salesman for a whiskey house 他掃了一眼那長長的廣告欄,大多數是關于招收面包師改衣工廚師排字工車夫等等,只有兩則引起他的注意,一則是一家家具批發行招聘一名出納員,另一則是一家威士忌公司招聘一名推銷員。

There are two optimum membership degree vector . one is quantitative and can be obtained from the equation of relative optimum membership degree . the other is qualitative and is ascertained by fuzzy dual contrast compositor method 在確定定量指標的優屬度向量時,采用混合型相對優屬度公式;通過模糊二元對比排序法,獲得二元對比定量標度,由模糊語氣算子最終確定定性指標的優屬度向量。

The $ 2 . 40 stamp features a statue of bi sheng , the man credited with the invention of movable type printing between ad 1041 and 1048 , together with a printing plate , a book so printed and swivel compositor s trays 畢升在宋慶歷年( 1041 - 1048年)間發明泥活字印刷術。票中可見畢升像、泥活字版、用活字排印的古籍及轉輪排字盤。

Reporting to the lead compositor , the compositor is responsible for seamlessly integrating elements from various sources including live - action plates and cg elements into a final photo realistic shot 向主管合成師匯報,負責把實拍、電腦動畫等各種素材無縫整合成具有照片真實度的鏡頭。

In typesetting , an instruction to a compositor to set type matter widely space so that it makes as many lines as possible 在(印刷)排版技術中,一種指示說明符,請排版人員把版面中的某些部分的字距放寬一些,使之盡可能?據較多的行空間。

As a compositor you should observe closely the footage and make sure you use the tools available to you to match your computer generated footage 作為一個合成師,你應該仔細的觀察素材并充分利用所有工具校正電腦生成的素材。

Mark twain was born in florida , missouri . he was acting as a compositor and learning hwo to write the humorous stories 馬克-吐溫生于密蘇里州佛羅里達鎮。 1851年當排字工人,并習作幽默小品。

About one fourth of the time … is spent compulsorily on the slate , for which the compositor receives no remuneration 四分之一的時間… …被迫無版可排,因此排字工也沒有報酬可得。

One that sets written material into type ; a compositor or printer 排字工把書面材料排成鉛字的人;排字工人或印刷工

Gets the collection of the elements contained with the compositor )中包含的元素的集合,這些元素有:

This collection is used to add new elements to the compositor 該集合用于將新元素添至復合器。

Gets or sets the compositor type as one of the 獲取組合類型或將其設置為

The elements contained within the compositor . collection of 包含在復合器中的元素。

Element compositor from the xml schema as specified by the 所指定的xml架構中的