
compositive adj.合成的,綜合的。


Fourthly , the new method of personnel performance appraisal for officials at organs in china maritime system is studied , including frame , index , and weight of index and compositive appraisal method of it 第四,研究了海事系統機關人員績效評估的方法,包括海事系統機關人員績效評估方法的框架、指標體系、指標權重的確定和綜合評價方法。

Therefore , it is necessary to supervise and pre - control the network in real time . and a compositive network management system is needed to manage the signaling no . 7 network and local telecommunication network 因此,對網絡的實時監測與預控就顯得尤為重要, no . 7信令集中監控系統就是一套綜合的七號信令網與本地電信網網絡管理系統。

Biotoxicity testing can intuitivey reflect the compositive toxicity of contaminated water to biology species , so it plays an important role in predicting and controlling chemical pollution 摘要生物毒性檢測能直觀地反映污染水體對生物種群的綜合毒性,是預測和控制化學物質污染的一種不可缺少的輔助手段,因而得到了廣泛應用和迅速發展。

The ophthalmology diagnosis and treatment quality information management system is a compositive advanced management method , which is include of the science of management , information , system and computer techniques 眼科診療質量信息管理系統是一種融合管理科學、信息科學、系統科學、電子計算機技術為一體的綜合性先進管理手段。

Accordingly , the appraisement system that has lots of mutual relationship factors is made to numerical modeling and appraised as a compositive integer with introduction of step rank association and grey system model 在此基礎上,利用多級關聯數學模型,將具有多個相互關聯評價因子的評價體系量化,并作為一個整體進行綜合評價。

Programmable controller ( plc ) is a new type of industrial controller developed by microprocessor technique , compositive computer and automation technique . it applies to each industrial field 可編程控制器( plc )是以微處理器技術為基礎,綜合計算機技術和自動控制技術發展起來的一種新型工業控制器,廣泛應用于工業各個領域。

Nevertheless , it is not perfect to do these just from the energy consumption , which needs discuss from its compositive technical economy performance , thus will be accorded with practical using 但僅從能耗方面即阻力方面進行優化結構設計是不夠完善的,還需要從綜合技術經濟性上來考慮,這樣會更符合實際應用準則。

Fault diagnosis is the important compositive part of the whole atc system , which is completed based on automatic test hardware and software , meanwhile , perfects the test system 故障診斷系統是atc自動測試系統的重要組成部分,故障診斷是在自動測試系統的硬件和軟件基礎上實現的,并且完善了自動測試系統。

By optimizing and designing compositive experiment contents , making full use of class hours , enhancing the organization of teaching links , the teaching efficiency and teaching level were improved 通過精心設計組合實驗炮容,充分利用課堂時間,加強教學環節的組織,有效地提高了實驗教學效率和教學水平。

The physico - chemical indexes were measured and the environmental qualitative compositive index ( pi ) and the chemical evaluational index ( pb / n ) were calculated to evaluate the water quality of this inner river 通過理化指標的測定、計算環境質量綜合指數( pi )及化學評價指數( pb n )對內河水質進行評價。

This paper discusses the structure model of iimis and described its functions , pointing out that iimis is a kind of distributing and compositive omnidirectional information service system 本文討論了iimis的結構模型,并闡述了iimis的功能,指出iimis是一種分布式、集成化的全方位信息服務系統。

In addition , two recipes of the pvc solid - core flame retardant conveyor belt for coal mine were excellently analyzed aiming to reduce the cost and to improve the product ' s compositive performance 除此之外,以降低成本和提高綜合性能為目的,詳細分析了pvc礦用整芯輸送帶的糊體和覆蓋膠配方。

The dynamic balance is compositive result of the forces , which play a great importance on the static performance and dynamic performance of the hydro - viscous 液體粘性調速離合器的動態平衡是摩擦片油膜力綜合的結果,決定了液體粘性調速離合器的靜態性能和動態性能,是系統理論分析的基礎。

The choice of supply chain partner is principal problem in the course of formation of partnership . the model of compositive appraise can solve the problem primely 在伙伴關系的形成過程中,合作伙伴的選擇是首要的問題,用模糊數學的綜合評價模型能很好地解決這個問題。

Based on the study of the measurement and calculation methods of equivalent temperature , a model of compositive pmv and set * sensor is put forwarded 基于對當量溫度測量與計算方法的研究,本文提出了集成式pmv與set ~ *傳感器的理論模型,并詳細地探討了其原理與工作過程。

In this system , the variable frequency motor is applied to meet the requirement of low speed to check the compositive error and high speed to measure the vibration 針對檢測綜合誤差和振動時對主軸轉速的要求,采用變頻電機來控制主軸轉速,以滿足系統對轉速的要求。

New rib and lug type pattem ensures an excellent compositive performances , liwer rolling resistance , high - speed riding ability , heat - resistance , wearability 縱橫混合花紋具備優越的綜合性能,滾動陰力低,行駛速度快,優良的耐熱和耐磨耗性能,有很高的經濟實用性。

But in the near future , from traditional number stat . to stat . analysis , the governor of a hospital requires the compositive stat 但近年來,統計管理的需求也相應深化,從傳統的數字統計到統計分析,對整體醫療質量綜合統計的要求日益緊迫。

In the end , we discussed some effective measures that can decrease the loss , the impact of each method and the compositive impact of some methods 通過對這幾方面的探討和研究,充實細化了實時系統的相關理論,并為其提供了有力的技術支持。