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composite system 金銀本位并用制;【電學】報話復合制。


In this paper , using surface photovoltage spectroscopy ( sps ) and field induced surface photovoltage spectroscopy ( fisps ) as a dominated tool , we investigated the surface and interfacial electron structure , charge transfer character of two nanostructured composite system and the effect about atmosphere ( water and oxygen ) on the semiconductor nanoparticles 本論文利用表面光電壓譜( sps )和場誘導表面光電壓譜( fisps )為主要研究手段對兩類納米復合材料的表面和界面電子結構和電荷轉移特性以及空氣中水、氧物種等氣體分子對納米材料表面光伏性質的影響進行了探索性的研究。

In this work , pluronic f127 was used as a progen and different biodegradation rate and surface property as amorphous calcuim phosphate , a - calcuim triphosphate , - calcuim triphosphate and a / p - calcuim triphosphate were selected to make three - dimensional porous composites with plla . in the phase separation of pure plla or cp / plla composite system the ppo block of pf127 can aggregate plla clew to induce phase separation . this resulted big round pores of 50 ~ 300 m and uniform ladder - like structure of 400 ~ 1000 m 具體結果如下:浙江大學碩士學位論文在單純的聚乳酸以及鈣磷酸鹽/聚乳酸復合體系的相分離過程中, pf127的ppo鏈段對plla鏈段有聚集作用,促進相分離過程,在不同溶劑中分別可得到孔徑在50一300林m的較大的圓孔和有序度為400一1000林m的梯狀孔,孔隙率為80 % ~ 93 % 。

It takes over many advantages of soil nailing system and remedies a number of defects and application restrictions of soil nailing system . although some studies have been carried out , which provides a few of theoretical bases for applying the technique , knowledge of force bearing situation of the composite system is still not very clear , design of the system is short of necessary analysis methods and the theoretical system is imperfect 復合土釘支護是近幾年在土釘支護基礎上發展起來的、用于基坑支護或提高邊坡穩定性的一種新技術,在我國的城市建設中已有較多工程實踐,但理論研究相對落后,設計分析方法不完善,試驗研究不多,又限制了這項技術的發展。

The principal conclusions include : ( a ) the composite system is composed of both active - bearing structural members and inactive - bearing ones , being of a character of combination of rigid retaining structures with flexible ones , so its working mechanism will be behaved as sharing loadings , waterproof and impermeability , loading transfer , local reinforcement and pre - reinforcement ; ( b ) the experimental results show that much more subsoil will participate in retaining action , soil stresses of internal slope will be shared uniformly and deflections caused by excavation will be reduced notably because of cooperation of nails and cement - soil mixing pile wall ; and ( c ) the internal forces of facing in vertical model will be a control factor of design and the cross section tensile strength of cement - soil wall will govern strength of the 主要研究結論有: ( 1 )復合土釘支護的作用機理主要為臨時加固土體以保證局部穩定、有機聯系以共同承擔荷載、改善土體性質起到止水抗滲作用。 ( 2 )試驗結果表明:復合土釘支護能夠充分調動周圍土體共同作用,有效地控制基坑變形;復合土釘支護中止水帷幕的插入深度和強度對控制邊坡變形與失穩有較大作用;復合土釘支護效果明顯優于一般的土釘支護。 ( 3 )面層與邊坡土體共同變形,設計時可按外力作用下的彈性地基梁進行計算。

Considering the stiffened plate as a composite system of grillage beams and slab , the superstructure as an equivalent rigidity plate , a semi - analytical and semi - numerical method , which makes use of compatible analysis of force and displacement among beams and slabs and columns and ground , is developed to analyze interaction between stiffened raft foundation and subsoil considering the rigidity of superstructure 摘要將彈性地基上的梁板式矩形筏基視為十字交叉梁與平板組合體系,上部結構剛度簡化為等效剛度板,采用半數值、半解析方法,通過梁、板、柱以及地基之間力與位移平衡協調分析,可得到考慮上部結構剛度時梁板式筏基寫地基共同作用的半數值、平解析解。

In qcd description , pp elastic scattering is a gluon exchange process . in the other words , pp elastic scattering is a high energy multiple scattering of two quark - composite system . therefore , one can describe proton - proton elastic scattering by quark multiple scattering theory , such as glauber theory , although this mechanism cannot have vacuum quantum numbers requested by experiments 一方面我們可以認為質子?質子彈性散射是一個膠子交換過程,另一方面我們也可認為質子?質子彈性散射是兩個夸克復合系統的多重散射過程,因此我們可以用夸克的多重散射理論,如glauber理論來描述質子?質子的彈性散射過程,雖然,這種機制不可能具有實驗所要求的真空量子數。

The novel properties which semiconductor nanostructured composite system owned exhibit very broad application respect and all the properties correlate with its surface and interface characteristics . for the complexity and variety of properties in surface and interface , researching in this aspect will be a long course 而復合體系的這些性能無不與其表面、界面的各種性質相關,由于表面、界面性質的復雜性和多樣性,這方面的研究將是一個長期的過程。

Meanwhile , mabs - 3000 not only is the combination of the three different systems : roller braking test , vehicle axle weight and speed meter test , but also has more functions , less pollution , lower cost and a more efficient composite system 該多功能abs檢驗臺在檢測汽車防抱死制動系統( abs )性能的同時還把汽車的速度表校驗、軸重檢測、制動性能檢測三個分離的試驗臺的功能合為一體,是一種集成度高、多功能的復合試驗臺。

Investigation of the piezoelectric performance for piezoelectric ceramic / polymer composites has been carried out . the results showed that different volume percent of piezoelectric ceramic influence the piezoelectric performance of composite system greatly 研究了壓電陶瓷/聚合物復合材料的壓電性能,發現不同壓電陶瓷以及壓電陶瓷的體積分數對復合體系的壓電性能影響極大。

A non - for maldehyde adhesive used for parquet was investigated , the adhesive was an elastic composite system that was formulated from synthetic rubber latex , pva , isocyanate , modified starch and some other additives 以水性高分子異氰酸酯膠粘劑為主要研究方向,在水基高分子物制備中采用聚乙烯醇、改性淀粉、膠乳等與助劑共混制成主劑,再與異氰酸酯交聯制成膠粘劑。

( 4 ) compared with other fillers , the performances of wollastonite filling composite system are super to that of calcium carbonate and talcum filling systems , and are near to that of asbestos and glass fiber filling systems ( 4 )與其它pp填充礦物相比,硅灰石填充復合體系的綜合力學性能優于碳酸鈣和滑石的填充體系,并可與石棉、玻璃纖維的填充體系相媲美。

Because the composite system is built on the base of different and distributing database , the author studies the difference of application in system integration between activex / dcm , corba and java / rmi 針對信息資源共享體系是建立在異構分布式數據庫系統上的,文章還探討了activex dcom 、 corba和java rmi三種分布式技術應用在系統集成方面的優缺點。

The sol - gel process was an effective and feasible method in the preparation of organic dyes doped the inorganic matrix , which promoted the research of organic - inorganic optical composite system 溶膠-凝膠濕化學方法在制備無機基質材料中的應用為有機染料的摻入提供了一種可行和有效的方法,極大的推動了有機-無機復合光功能材料的研究。

In one part , the evolution wave - function of the composite system consisted of system and meter is an entangled state . because of the special nature of entangled state , the system carry out decoherence 在第一部分中,測量儀器與系統所組成的復合體系的含時的波函數是一個糾纏態,正是由于糾纏態的特殊性質,才導致系統的退相干。

We solve the master equation by system - reservoir method with born - markov approximation for the composite system with one simple harmonic oscillator and the reservoir composed with many other harmonic oscillators surrounded 摘要:我們使用系統與熱庫的方法,并使用波恩-馬可夫近似來求解一模型:單一簡諧振子與一群簡諧振子的熱庫。

Light weighted reinforced concrete multi - rib sandwich slab structure system is a kind of new system , which can entirely replace the brick composite system to be adapted to the policy of wall materials reform of our country 輕質鋼筋混凝土夾芯板建筑結構體系是適應我國墻改政策、可以完全取代磚混體系的一種新型結構體系。

The theoretical results on far - infrared absorption in small metal particle - insulator composite and the dielectric constant of oil / water two - phase random composite system are in good agreement with experimental data 用該理論分析了金屬微粒絕緣介質的遠紅外吸收和油水兩元混合物的有效介電常數,與實驗結果比較符合。

4 . based on the economical and technical analysis theories and methods for architecture , combined with an engineering example , the thesis compares the system with composite system 依據建筑技術經濟分析的一般原理與方法,結合一工程實例,將該結構體系與磚混體系作了對比分析。

It is inferred that the dissolution rate and dissolubility of gypsum are the main decisive factors of cement performance of portland - sulphoalminate composite system 推導證實,石膏的溶解速度和溶解度是決定硅酸鹽硫鋁酸鹽復合體系水泥性能的主要因素。