
composer n.1.作曲家;作者。2.調停人,和解人。3.設計者,制...


Last year was a prolific period in the composer ' s life 去年是作曲家一生中創作豐收的時期。

And besides bach , are there other composers that you like 除了巴哈,您還喜歡哪些作曲家?

This composer is writing beautiful song 這位作曲家寫出了美妙的歌曲。

It is arguable that he is the greatest composer today 他是當今最偉大的作曲家是有爭議的。

Composers and authors society of hong kong ltd . scholarships 香港作曲家及作詞家協會獎學金

The music is an expression of composers ' personal feeling 音樂是創作個人內心感受的流露。

That music was good , after all . who was the composer 那段音樂非常好,總之,誰是作曲者?

Some people say he was the greatest european composer 一些人說他是歐洲最偉大的作曲家。

Wang liping composer , of manchu ethnic minority 王立平作曲家(滿族) 。

Core composer - production and acceptance specification 芯板橫向拼縫機制造與驗收技術條件

Chinese composer nie er was born on february 14th 1912年2月14日,中國音樂家聶耳誕生。

Yes , the composer will make a speech 是的,這個作曲家將會發表一個演講。

Handel borrowed music from other composers 漢得爾抄襲其他作曲家的曲子。

Can you identify a composer by listening to his music 你能聽音樂就辨別出它的曲作者嗎

The beautiful scenery inspired the composer 美麗的景色使作曲家靈思泉涌。

He is not only a pianist , but a composer 他不僅是鋼琴家,而且還是作曲家。

He was one of the leading composers of his time 他是他那個時代領袖群倫的作曲家之一。

Why be a great composer with your rent in arrears *為何成了大作曲家還要把房租拖欠? *

To my mind , bach is unsurpassed as a composer 就我看來,巴赫是一個無與倫比的作曲家。