
compose vt.1.組成,構成。2.創作(詩歌,樂曲等);撰寫;為...


Biological membranes are composed of two layers of phospholipid molecules . 生物膜由兩層D磷脂分子組成。

He composed church music, including “mass in bi minor“ . 他創作了教堂樂曲,其中包括《BI小調彌撒曲》。

The lover used every effort to induce her to compose herself . 她的情人作了種種努力,要使她安靜下來。

A trimetrogon strip is composed of three rows of overlapping . 三鏡頭攝影航線為三排重迭的象片所組成。

The toy robots at that time looked perfectly composed and sweet . 那時的玩具機器人,神態安詳,可親。

The toy robots at that time looked perfectly composed and sweet . 那時的玩具機器人,神態安詳、可親。

A system composed of two or more phases is heterogeneous . 由兩相或更多的相組成的體系稱為復相體系。

Let us look more closely at how the budget was composed . 現在讓我們仔細觀察這項預算是怎樣編制的。

“you must compose yourself,“ said the doctor, supporting her . “你必須保持鎮靜,”大夫扶著他說。

The tune was composed at the beginning of the war of liberation . 這支曲子是在解放戰爭初期譜寫的。

The toy robots at that time looked perfectly composed and sweet . 那時的玩具機器人,神態安詳可親。

Each element is composed of identical atoms of a single kind . 每種元素由單一種類的相同原子組成。

His mind was in such a whirl that he could hardly compose his thoughts . 他心亂如麻難以鎮定下來。

A polysaccharide is composed of three or more monosaccharides . 多糖是由三個以上的單糖所組成的。

She staggered and then, a moment later, seemed composed . 她搖晃了一下,接著似乎很快地鎮定下來。

He started slightly, but immediately composed himself . 他稍微吃驚了一下,可是馬上又鎮定下來。

Gunpowder is composed of sulfur, carbon, and potassium nitrate . 火藥是由硫、碳和硝酸鉀組成。

He composed himself . 他使自己情緒鎮定下來。

Humphrey was outwardly dapper and composed as usual . 漢弗萊同往常一樣衣著整齊,鎮定自若。