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caution money 〔英國〕大學入學保證金;法學協會入會保證金。


If there are no claims against the caution money , it will be converted to the graduation fee upon completion of the programme 學生修業期滿,如無拖欠本校借貸及罰款,該保證金將撥作畢業典禮的費用。

The caution money is refundable on withdrawal from the university , but is usually used as graduation fee 學生于離校時,如無需賠償任何費用,則保證金予以發還,但一般轉為學生的畢業費。

The caution money is refundable on withdrawal from the institute if no claims are outstanding 如學生申請退學,亦須先清償所有本校借貸及罰款,方可獲發還保證金。

All students are required to pay $ 350 as caution money on first registration 所有學生須于注冊時繳交港幣三百五十元保證金。