uploads/calendar day.jpg

calendar day (日)歷日〔由午夜到午夜〕。

When you enter a “ dependent order “ , you can set the expiry date up to 30 calendar days counting from the time the “ dependent order “ is activated 您可以在輸入連隨指令時,定下有效期。由觸發啟動日起計,您可將連隨指令設定為最多連續30個歷日生效。

When you enter a “ parent order “ , you can set the expiry date good till date up to 30 calendar days from time of entering the “ chain order “ 您可以在輸入基本指令時,定下有效期。由輸入復式盤那天起計,您可將基本指令設定為最多連續30個歷日生效。

15 “ day “ means a gregorian calendar day “日“指一個公歷日。

When you enter a “ dependent order “ , you can set the expiry date up to 30 calendar days counting from the time the “ dependent order “ is activated 您可以在輸入連隨指令時,定下有效期。由觸發啟動日起計,您可將連隨指令設定為最多連續30個歷日生效。

When you enter a “ parent order “ , you can set the expiry date good till date up to 30 calendar days from time of entering the “ chain order “ 您可以在輸入基本指令時,定下有效期。由輸入復式盤那天起計,您可將基本指令設定為最多連續30個歷日生效。

15 “ day “ means a gregorian calendar day “日“指一個公歷日。

calendar month

N total number of calendar days in the relevant observation period on which the 3 - month hibor shown on reuters screen page 9898 at or around 11 : 30 a . m . stays within the range 有關觀察期內的三個月港元銀行同業拆息于上午十一時三十分或前后于路透社頁

The delivery lead - time would not be exceeding 49 calendar days after order confirmation ( the week of national day from 1st oct to 7th oct will not be counted ) 取貨時段將會在訂單落實后49天內進行(由10月1日至10月7日之國慶黃金周假期將不計算在內) 。

When you enter a “ dependent order “ , you can set the expiry date up to 30 calendar days counting from the time the “ dependent order “ is activated 您可以在輸入連隨指令時,定下有效期。由觸發啟動日起計,您可將連隨指令設定為最多連續30個歷日生效。

When you enter a “ parent order “ , you can set the expiry date good till date up to 30 calendar days from time of entering the “ chain order “ 您可以在輸入基本指令時,定下有效期。由輸入復式盤那天起計,您可將基本指令設定為最多連續30個歷日生效。

While this service allows users to book a facility 30 calendar days in advance , can i check the availability before the date it is available for booking 這項服務容許用戶在30天前租訂康樂設施,那么我是否可以在場地接受租訂之前查詢其租訂情況?

The committee will make a determination within 60 calendar days of the close of the public comment period on whether to request consultations with china 這些行業要求商務部對12種來自中國的紡織品服裝產品制定或重新制定最長可達一年的配額。

[ b ] [ size = 4 ] do not wear black colour shirt / blouse / t - shirt on 25 aug , as that day is lunar calendar day 13th of 7th month 在洋歷8月25日不可穿黑衣,就是農歷七月十三日,因為鬼魂將在那天找替身.請將這個信息發給您所關心的人.救人一命勝造七級普陀

[ size = 4 ] do not wear black colour shirt / blouse / t - shirt on 25 aug , as that day is lunar calendar day 13th of 7th month 在洋歷8月25日不可穿黑衣,就是農歷七月十三日,因為鬼魂將在那天找替身.請將這個信息發給您所關心的人.救人一命勝造七級普陀

An appointment can be made within the following periods : four months but less than one calendar day before the expiry date of the vehicle licence 您可于以下情況下預約年驗時間:牌照屆滿前四個月,但不遲于屆滿日的前一天。

You can place a fund transfer instruction 45 calendar days in advance or make a 6 - month consecutive scheduled transfer on a designated date of each month 您亦可預設于指定日期將款項轉賬至大新銀行或其他銀行戶口。

It is the winner s responsibility to contact the seller within 5 calendar days to confirm the transaction and arrange for payment and delivery 勝利者必須在拍賣結束后5天內聯絡賣家,以便雙方安排細節,完成交易。

It is the winner responsibility to contact the seller within 5 calendar days to confirm the transaction and arrange payment and delivery 勝利者必須在拍賣結束后五天內聯絡賣家,以便雙方安排細節,完成交易。

The convertibility rate for the aggregate balance began to move by 1 pip per calendar day from 7 . 75 with effect from april 1 由四月一日起,總結余兌換保證適用匯率開始由7 . 75的水平,每一公歷日調整一點子。