
buzz vi.1.(蜂等)嗡嗡地叫[飛](about over ...

buzz bomb

James : great . i ' ll give him a buzz then 詹姆士:很好。我到時再撥個電話給他。

Buzz , will you get up here and give me a hand (巴茲,你能上來幫我一下么? )

1 the buzz of chinese new year seems to be building 農歷新年的熱鬧氣氛越來越濃。

Who helped buzz and woody out of sid ' s home 誰幫助巴斯荷伍迪離開了西德的家?

My computer makes a continuous low buzzing noise 我的計算機一直有低的嗡嗡聲。

Phone buzzing - dad , just answer the fucking thing 爸,你就接了這他媽的電話吧!

Then we won ' t get a chance to be rich . - timer buzzes -那我們就沒辦法富起來了

Buzz lightyear of star command - english version 巴斯光年星河系歷險旅程-英語版

Intercom buzzes - aaron let ' s all report to the mess hall 讓所有人到食堂報到

Buzz lightyear of star command - cantonese version 巴斯光年星河系歷險旅程-粵語版

It ' s important . just buzz him . he won ' t mind 有要事.去叫他就是了.他不會介意的

There ' s a buzz going round that the boss has resigned 有傳聞說主管已經辭職了

This buzz reverberates through the city 這類傳聞一傳十,十傳百,很快遍布城市。

There was a buzz of excitement and wild whip could feel the resolve of the would-be revolutionists ebbing away like the surf after a high tide . 室門一片交頭接耳聲,氣氛緊張,野惠普感到在場的這批革命分子猶如海水落潮,頓時失勢。

There was some little buzz of conversation going on among the people while the leading counsel for the prosecution made his very effective speech . 當提起控訴的首席律師發表他那精辟的議論的時候,不時聽得人群中有竊竊私語的聲音。

Since decisions were obviously taking shape at highest levels, others waited, though now a buzz of conversation filled the hall . 顯然,決定就要在最高層中做出,其他人等待著,不過,此時會場里,竊竊私語已匯成一片聲浪。

As it sprawled wallowing in the quag, clouds of stinging insects rose and buzzed about it in the air . 當它在泥潭里扭動、掙扎的時候,趕起了一群群叮人的飛蟲,嚶嚶嗡嗡地在空中盤旋。

If a guy wore the right clothes and used the right buzz words, henry was impressed . 如果一個家伙穿著合他意的衣服,使用著合他意的流行詞匯,這就會給亨利以良好的印象。

There was a buzz of conversation among the employees generally, unusual this early in the day . 雇員們在嘁嘁喳喳四下議論,一清早就出現這種情況,倒是有點兒蹊蹺。