
button n.1.扣子;鈕扣。2.撳扣,電鈕,按鈕(開關);(槳的...

button ball

When the button is depressed the vent is closed and the output signal increases . 當掀下按鈕時,排氣孔通道被阻斷,輸出信號增大。

Tommy had a look of being buttoned in, a prisoner of his own nature . 托米的表情說明他性格內向,而且,他沉溺于自己的性格。

It was imaginative waistcoat with exceedingly fanciful glass buttons . 花哨的坎肩上配搭著一些光怪陸離的玻璃鈕扣。

A special button transfers him immediately to the first page of the index . 一個專門的按鈕可立即翻到索引第一頁。

I suggest that for the next few months, you keep your pants buttoned up . 我勸你今后幾個月少開口,處事謹慎一點。

First, let's get the facts buttoned down, then we can plan ahead . 首先,讓我們把實際情況弄清楚,然后再訂計劃。

Button me up . 給我系上扣子。

Child does not have to be able to tie shoes or button in the back . 不必要求小孩兒學系鞋帶或結后面的扣子。

He wiped his glasses and adjusted them on his button nose . 他擦擦眼鏡,又把它仔細地戴在他的扁鼻子上。

Anna pressed the button that released the catch of the front door . 安娜按了一下電鈕,讓前門門環松開

John wanted to talk , but mary told him to keep his lip buttoned . 約翰有意說出,但瑪麗要他守口如瓶。

No conclusion should be drawn before all the facts are buttoned down . 事實未明,不應該下任何結論。

I buttoned up my jacket and raced my shadow home . 我把短衫的紐扣好,追趕著自己的影子跑回家去。

A button can be made of bone, wood, glass, or plastic . 扭扣可以用骨頭、木頭、玻璃或塑料制成。

I shall get to my feet, button on my coat, and go to the store . 我要站起來,穿好衣服去商店。

I do n't care a button . 我一點兒也不在乎。

You have got it on the button ! 你完全正確!

These shoes button easily . 這種鞋子容易扣緊。

The small boy in buttons carried the package . 穿著有許多鈕子制服的小侍應生提著那個包裹。