
busker n.街頭音樂師;巡回[街頭]藝人。


Of the 602 buskers , 58 per cent are guitarists , 10 per cent violinists , 9 per cent saxophonists , 10 per cent play flutes and harmonicas , 6 per cent accordions and keyboards and 2 per cent play the didgeridoo 在602名街頭藝人當中, 58 %是演奏吉他的人, 10 %是演奏小提琴的人, 9 %是演奏薩克斯管的人, 10 %是演奏長笛和口琴的人, 6 %是演奏手風琴和鍵盤的人,還有2 %是演奏迪吉里杜管的人。

Respect the local residents . don ' t lay into your drum kit at midnight in a residential area . also respect the space of other buskers 要尊重當地居民。午夜時分,別要在居民區敲打你自己的架子鼓。也別要侵吞其他街頭藝人的空間。

Respect the local residents . don ' t lay into your drum kit at midnight in a residential area . also respect the space of other buskers 要尊重當地居民。午夜時分,不要在居民區敲打你的架子鼓。也不要侵占其他街頭藝人的空間。

Buskers , regardless of whether they are professional musicians or amateurs , can enjoy the experience of performing anonymously 街頭藝人,無論是專業的音樂家還是業余愛好者,都會從匿名表演中享受到樂趣。

Bilingual time talked to darren snow , an english teacher in beijing , about his experience as a busker 《雙語時代》走訪了在北京做英語教師的戴潤?斯諾,講述了他當街頭藝人的經歷。

He likes the night scenes with some colorful light around the river and some buskers singing or dancing on the river bank 他喜歡夜間愛河畔那五光十色與街燈五彩繽紛的景色。

The success of the performance depends solely on how well the busker can grab and hold a crowd ' s attention 表演是否成功的唯一標準便是街頭藝人吸引和保持人群注意力的能力。

The most common kind of busker plays a guitar . passers - by will drop money into his / her guitar case 最常見的街頭藝人是吉他演奏者。路人會將錢丟入他/她的琴盒中。

Of the 602 licensed london underground buskers , 78 per cent are men , 22 per cent are women 在602名擁有許可證的倫敦地鐵街頭藝人中, 78 %是男性, 22 %是女性。

Darren snow , an english teacher in beijing , talked about his experience as a busker 在北京做英語教師的戴潤?斯諾講述了他當街頭藝人的經歷。

Many buskers choose subway tunnels because of the interesting sound effects 許多街頭藝人選擇地鐵通道是因為那里有趣的音響生效后的情況。

Many buskers choose subway tunnels because of the interesting sound effects 許多街頭藝人選擇地鐵通道是因為那里有趣的聲音效果。

A busker is someone who performs music or an act on the street 街頭藝人是指在大街演出表演與上演奏音樂或表演節目的人。

Nick edwards : the pair even keep the odd serenading busker amused 尼克愛德華茲:這兩只綿羊讓人思索想著美好的回憶。

A busker is someone who performs music or an act on the street 街頭藝人是指在大街上演奏音樂或表演節目的人。

The oldest performer is 89 year - old ' busker bill ' 年齡最大的藝人是89歲的“街頭藝人比爾” 。

The most common kind of busker plays a guitar 最常見的街頭藝人是吉他演奏者。