
bushy adj.1.灌木似的。2.灌木茂密的。3.(毛發等)濃密...

“ t other “ was a ragged , unkempt creature , with nothing very pleasant in his face . the spaniard was wrapped in a serape ; he had bushy white whiskers ; long white hair flowed from under his sombrero , and he wore green goggles “另一個人”衣衫襤褸,蓬頭垢面,臉上表情令人難受西班牙老頭披一條墨西哥花圍巾,臉上長著密密麻麻的白色絡腮胡,頭戴寬邊帽,長長的白發垂下,鼻子上架一副綠眼鏡。

The next morning , john came down to breakfast bright - eyed and bushy - tailed . when asked about how he slept , he replied , “ never better . 第二天早上,約翰下來吃早飯,看起來精神煥發。當問及他昨晚睡得怎樣時,他答道: “從沒這么好過。 ”

Hermione , on the hogwarts express : “ she had a bossy sort of voice , lots of bushy brown hair and rather large front teeth . 赫敏,在霍格沃茨特快上: “語氣顯得自高自大,目中無人。她有一頭濃密的棕色頭發和一對大門牙。 ”

“ mr . dorian gray ? who is he ? “ asked lord fermor , knitting his bushy white eyebrows “道林格雷先生?他是什么人? ”佛摩勛爵緊皺起濃密的白眉毛問。

In that leafy, flowery, bushy time, to look for any one in this garden was like playing at “hide-and-seek“ . 在這樹密枝長葉茂花繁的時節,要在這個花果園里尋找誰,簡直就象玩“捉迷藏”一樣了。

“mr. dorian gray? who is he?“ asked lord fermor, knitting his bushy white eyebrows . “道林格雷先生?他是什么人?”佛摩勛爵緊皺起濃密的白眉毛問。


I am a patient of losing my hair because of greasiness , since i use the pure natural latex multfunctional mites - resistant anti - bacteria integration pillow , those annoying mites haven ' t attacked me and eaten my hair root any longer , now my hair is bushy , with the pure natural latex pillow , i feel very good 我是一個油性脫發患者,自從有了防螨除菌全天然的乳膠多功能組合枕,那些討厭的螨蟲沒有機會再襲擊我,不再吃我的發根,現在我的頭發又厚又密,用了這個全天然乳膠枕,感覺真是好!

And now they were getting close , and now the fox was beginning to wind in circles between them , making the circles more and more rapidly , and sweeping its bushy brush around it , when all of a sudden a strange white dog flew down upon it , and was followed by a black one , and everything was confusion , and the dogs formed a star - shaped figure round it , scarcely moving , with their heads together , and their tails out 幾只獵犬趕快向狐貍跑去。已經靠近它了,那只狐貍在這些獵犬中間彎彎曲曲地走,越來越密地兜圈子,搖擺著毛茸茸的尾巴。一只不知是誰的白犬奔襲過來,一只黑犬尾隨于其后,混在一起了,幾只獵犬屁股朝外地站成星狀,身子微微地擺動。

He , for it was a man , turned his head slowly towards where i stood , and having examined me with the two inquisitive - looking grey eyes which twinkled under a pair of bushy brows , said solemnly , and in a bass voice , her size is small : what is her age 他因為是個男人緩緩地把頭轉向我站立的地方,用他那雙濃眉下閃著好奇的目光的灰色眼睛審視著我,隨后響起了他嚴肅的男低音: “她個子很小,幾歲了? ”

“ t other “ was a ragged , unkempt creature , with nothing very pleasant in his face . the spaniard was wrapped in a serape ; he had bushy white whiskers ; long white hair flowed from under his sombrero , and he wore green goggles “另一個人”衣衫襤褸,蓬頭垢面,臉上表情令人難受西班牙老頭披一條墨西哥花圍巾,臉上長著密密麻麻的白色絡腮胡,頭戴寬邊帽,長長的白發垂下,鼻子上架一副綠眼鏡。

A swarthy , little lieutenant - colonel of hussars , his face covered with bushy moustaches and whiskers , rode up to the gate , and glancing at prince andrey asked whether his highness were putting up here and whether he would soon be back 一位黑臉膛生著濃密髭須和頰須的小個子驃騎兵中校,騎馬來到大門前,他端詳一下安德烈公爵,問道:勛座大人是不是就在這兒,他什么時候回來。

The huntsman standing in the hollow started off and let his dogs go , and nikolay saw the red , uncouth - looking fox hurrying along close to the ground , with its bushy tail , through the green corn . the dogs bore down on it 那個站在洼地里的獵人開始出動了,他放出幾只獵犬,尼古拉看見一只毛紅很短小形狀古怪的狐貍,這只狐貍擦挲著尾巴上的毛,沿著翠綠色的田野急急忙忙地迅跑。

He caught a brief glimpse of a gloomy , high ceilinged , twin - bedded room ; then there was a loud twittering noise , followed by an even louder shriek and his vision was completely obscured by a large quantity of very bushy hair 他只瞥見了一個幽暗的,有著高高的天花板的雙人房間,聽見了雜亂的噪音,緊跟著是一聲更響亮的叫聲,然后他的視野被一大叢茂密的頭發完全擋住了。

Vernon dursley , whose mustache was quite as bushy as dumbledore ' s , though black , and who was wearing a puce dressing gown , was staring at the visitor as though he could not believe his tiny eyes 弗農?德思禮的胡子差不多跟鄧布利多的一樣濃密,不過是黑色的,他身穿一件紫褐色的晨衣,正呆呆地盯著來人,似乎不敢相信他那雙小眼睛看到的一切。

Yes , squirrels are definitely critters . but you know a lot of people don ' t like squirrels . they think that they are dirty and look like rats with bushy tails 啊?還有人不喜歡松鼠的呀?怎麼會說它們像老鼠呢!我覺得它們真可愛耶,看起來毛茸茸,軟綿綿的。我最喜歡看它們啊,用前面兩條腿捧著一顆花生啃,哎喲,那樣子真好玩!

M : yes , squirrels are definitely critters . but you know a lot of people don ' t like squirrels . they think that they are dirty and look like rats with bushy tails 還有人不喜歡松鼠的呀?怎么會說它們象老鼠呢!我覺得它們真可愛,看起來毛聳聳,軟棉棉的。我最喜歡看它們用前面兩條腿捧著一顆花生啃。哎喲,那樣子真好玩!

Yes , squirrels are definitely critters . but you know a lot of people don ' t like squirrels . they think that they are dirty and look like rats with bushy tails 還有人不喜歡松鼠的呀?怎么會說它們象老鼠呢!我覺得它們真可愛,看起來毛聳聳,軟綿綿的。我最喜歡看它們用前面兩條腿捧著一顆花生啃。哎喲,那樣子真好玩!

Yes , squirrels are definitely critters . but you know a lot of people don ' t like squirrels . they think that they are dirty and look like rats with bushy tails 還有人不喜歡松鼠的呀?怎么會說它們象老鼠呢!我覺得它們真可愛,看起來毛聳聳,軟棉棉的。我最喜歡看它們用前面兩條腿捧著一顆花生啃。哎喲,那樣子真好玩!

Traditional algorithm only makes decision tree more deep or bushy in order to improve accuracy . this leads to the final tree is hard to comprehend and difficulty to covert into rules 傳統算法對于構造一個準確性較高的決策樹,往往使得生成的樹過深或過于龐大,導致其很難被人理解,同時也不易被轉換成規則。