
bushfire 灌木林火(bush-fire war 灌木林火式戰爭)。

It was my daughter , ildik , who said , “ mum , turn on the radio and listen to the news “ because the bushfire had already reached duffy 這在一般人看來是難以置信,但對跟隨師父修行觀音法門的人而言,這只是無數神奇感應之一罷了!


God s help also was revealed through the members of the sydney and canberra supreme master ching hai international associations , who collected money to help my mother repaint her damaged kitchen . i pray to almighty god to return their kindness a thousand times , and to save them from ever experiencing the kinds of terrible events that we underwent during the recent bushfire 多么希望這小小的修行成果能化作一張細軟的紙巾,拭去師父臉上為我們灑下的淚水化作一雙輕柔的手,為師父按摩酸痛的肩背化作一曲美妙的歌,撫慰師父為我們而操勞的心

It was a representative of the red cross , which looks after my mother . she told us to take mum out of duffy , because a bushfire was getting dangerously close to the suburb 背后的那個人松開了我,已經把錢柜拿到手的人也丟下了錢柜,四個為打劫搶錢而來的人,沒有拿走一文錢,全部匆匆逃離。

It was my daughter , ildik , who said , “ mum , turn on the radio and listen to the news “ because the bushfire had already reached duffy 這在一般人看來是難以置信,但對跟隨師父修行觀音法門的人而言,這只是無數神奇感應之一罷了!

A smouldering cigarette can kindle a devastating bushfire 悶燃著的香煙會引起毀滅性的林區大火。