
burse n.1.錢包。2.(大學生的)獎學金(=bursary)...


The thesis firstly study the history of negotiable instrument in china including some kinds of negotiable instruments in anciant china , latterday burse and negotiable instruments before liberation , then analyze the bill and promissary note in western nations 先分析中國的票據歷史,包括中國古代的一些票據形式、近代的錢莊票號和解放前我國票據市場的發展情況,然后分析西方匯票和本票的起源、發展歷程、當代現狀和未來趨勢。

Reason sits firm and holds the reins, and she will not let the feelings burse away and hurry her to wild chasms . 理智穩坐著,握緊韁繩,她決不會聽任感情脫韁而跑,任其墮入荒谷。