burp n.,vi.〔美俚〕打嗝。vt.(用拍背或摩背的方法)使...
n.,vi. 〔美俚〕打嗝。 vt. (用拍背或摩背的方法)使(嬰兒)打嗝〔以排出胃中悶積的氣體〕。 “belch; burp“ 中文翻譯: 飽嗝兒“burp gun“ 中文翻譯: 〔美軍俚〕手提機關槍[沖鋒槍]。 “burp all the time feel bloated“ 中文翻譯: 感覺腹脹“buroxyethyl nicotinate“ 中文翻譯: 煙酸丁氧乙酯“burow“ 中文翻譯: 布羅“burpee“ 中文翻譯: 伯比“burovtsev“ 中文翻譯: 布羅夫采夫“burpee test“ 中文翻譯: 伯比式測驗“burovski“ 中文翻譯: 布羅夫斯基“burping well“ 中文翻譯: 間歇自噴井“burovin“ 中文翻譯: 布羅溫
Mexico city reuters - high school students in the mexican state of chihuahua are being made to care for screaming , hiccuping baby dolls that run on computer chips to try to bring down the state ' s soaring teenage pregnancy rate . pairs of teen - age boys and girls aged 13 to 17 have to spend two or three days tending to the computerized babies , programmed to cry for food , burp and wake up screaming at night until they are rocked back to sleep . “ you have to change their diapers , feed them and slap them on the back so they burp 據路透社2月22日報道,按規定,成雙成對的年齡在13歲到17歲之間的男孩兒和女孩兒們必須花上2 3天時間來照料那些電腦娃娃,而按照預先設定好的程序,洋娃娃可以哭喊著要求“爸爸媽媽”給它們喂食, “吃”完了就打嗝兒,到了晚間則會不停的高聲喊叫,直到“大人們”將其搖啊搖地搖進夢鄉時它才會安靜下來。 |
To up the grossness factor , visitors can pump on levers at the vomit and burp machines for maximum effect . children squealed in delight at the exhibits but adults long taught to regard the intimate workings of the body as impolite seemed to grossology “ heads for taipei , seoul and hong kong after it 孩子們在觀看展覽的時候往往會高興的大喊大叫,但是成年們才是這次展覽的最大受益者,因為在他們小的時候,大人們會告訴他們談論這些近乎于個人隱私的生理現象是不雅的。 |
People do n ' t talk about burps and farts and go into detail of how they work , “ said 18 - year - old student pamela yap as she made a the interactive displays 她說: “平時人們根本不會談論打嗝和放屁,也不會深究這些現象到底是怎么回事。 |
burp gun |
Mexico city reuters - high school students in the mexican state of chihuahua are being made to care for screaming , hiccuping baby dolls that run on computer chips to try to bring down the state ' s soaring teenage pregnancy rate . pairs of teen - age boys and girls aged 13 to 17 have to spend two or three days tending to the computerized babies , programmed to cry for food , burp and wake up screaming at night until they are rocked back to sleep . “ you have to change their diapers , feed them and slap them on the back so they burp 據路透社2月22日報道,按規定,成雙成對的年齡在13歲到17歲之間的男孩兒和女孩兒們必須花上2 3天時間來照料那些電腦娃娃,而按照預先設定好的程序,洋娃娃可以哭喊著要求“爸爸媽媽”給它們喂食, “吃”完了就打嗝兒,到了晚間則會不停的高聲喊叫,直到“大人們”將其搖啊搖地搖進夢鄉時它才會安靜下來。 |
To up the grossness factor , visitors can pump on levers at the vomit and burp machines for maximum effect . children squealed in delight at the exhibits but adults long taught to regard the intimate workings of the body as impolite seemed to grossology “ heads for taipei , seoul and hong kong after it 孩子們在觀看展覽的時候往往會高興的大喊大叫,但是成年們才是這次展覽的最大受益者,因為在他們小的時候,大人們會告訴他們談論這些近乎于個人隱私的生理現象是不雅的。 |
The esophagus is a closed tube , and continuous flow ( as opposed to a simple burp ) of gas or putrid matter from the stomach indicates a health problem , such as a fistula between the stomach and intestine or reflux serious enough to be bringing up stomach contents 食道是一條密閉的管子,氣體或腐臭的物質若會不斷地從胃部流出(不像單純的打嗝) ,就表示身體出了問題,像是胃腸間有?管,或者有逆流情形,嚴重到連胃里的東西都會跑出來。 |
They will be gone after a while . if you want to do something to relieve your worry , you may burp the baby or let your breastfed baby suckle for a longer while . if he s on the bottle , a few sucks of lukewarm water may stop them 如果你想幫他做點甚么,你可以為他掃掃風;如果你是喂母乳的話,可以讓他多吸吮一會;如果是喂奶粉的,讓他喝一點暖水也會有幫助。 |
Manipulating the larynx with your right hand or having an assistant apply firm backward , upward , and rightward pressure ( the so - called burp maneuver ) to the larynx can also facilitate visualization of the vocal cords 用你的右手處理好喉頭,或者讓助手給喉頭施加一個穩定的向后、向上、向右的壓力(此稱之為burp動作) ,這樣也可以更方便地觀察到聲帶。 |
Wells could be hostile to the news media ( he ' s the only athlete who has ever answered my question with a burp ) , and he used his site to air his unfiltered thoughts 威爾斯對于媒體不是很友善(他是唯一一個運動員曾經回答我問題的同時還打嗝) ,而且他用他的網站說那些他沒有過濾過的想法。 |
Sooty was joined in the ranks of the world ' s weirdest and wackiest achievers by briton paul hunn who scooped the record for the world ' s largest burp 與黑子一起躋身世界上最為怪異的創紀錄者行列的還有一個名叫布賴頓-保羅-哈恩的人,他成為了世界上打嗝聲音最為嘹亮的人。 |
Soon , nick and i were seated on the mattress - padded floor , surrounded by babies holding their own bottles . we soothed and burped them 很快,尼克和我坐在鋪著墊子的地板上,周圍是手抱奶瓶的寶寶們。我們哄著他們,給他們拍背,讓他們打出嗝來。 |
Sooty was joined in the ranks of the world ' s weirdest and wackiest achievers by briton paul hunn who scooped the record for the world ' s largest burp 現年3歲來自威爾士的這只豚鼠接到了多達206張此類賀卡,它們均寄自遙遠的新西蘭。 |
People do n ' t talk about burps and farts and go into detail of how they work , “ said 18 - year - old student pamela yap as she made a the interactive displays 她說: “平時人們根本不會談論打嗝和放屁,也不會深究這些現象到底是怎么回事。 |
A little bit of milk may spit up with the gas while burping or drooling . it doesn t mean the baby is sick or vomiting 這并不代表寶寶有病或嘔吐,因為寶寶嘔吐時會較用力氣把奶噴出來,嘔出的奶量亦比較多。 |
Breastfeeding babies normally do not swallow too much air . thus , burping should only be done as required , for a couple of minutes 以母乳喂哺的寶寶不會有太多風,如有需要,掃幾分鐘便可以。 |
In this culture it is polite to burp after a meal to express appreciation and thanks to the cook 在這個文化里餐后打嗝兒是禮貌的,可表達欣賞及對廚子的感謝。 |
Unlike in some other parts of east asia , it is also considered bad manner to burp 不像一些東亞國家,在西方,打嗝也被認為是一種不好的行為。 |
Louder than a pile driver , his burps can be heard from a distance of 30metres 此人嗝聲在30米開外都能聽得一清二楚,就連打樁機也自愧不如。 |
Louder than a pile driver his burps can be heard from a distance of 30metres 此人嗝聲在30米開外都能聽得一清二楚,就連打樁機也自愧不如。 |