burgle vt.,vi.〔美口〕= burglarize.
vt.,vi. 〔美口〕= burglarize. “burgle a shop“ 中文翻譯: 盜竊一家商店“burglary-resisting window“ 中文翻譯: 防盜窗“burglen“ 中文翻譯: 比格倫“burglary-resisting installation“ 中文翻譯: 防盜設備“burglengenfeld“ 中文翻譯: 布格倫根費爾德“burglary-resisting door“ 中文翻譯: 防盜門“burglova“ 中文翻譯: 比格洛娃“burglary victim“ 中文翻譯: 盜竊受害者“burgmaiel“ 中文翻譯: 布格馬耶爾“burglary resisting glazing material“ 中文翻譯: 標準:防盜窗用玻璃材料
burgomaster |
Coulthard was convicted of burgling churches in 2003 , and used lock picks and surgical scissors hidden in an empty camera case he used to disguise himself as a tourist . the text message appeal was made using police direct , a system developed by the police information technology organisation after the july 7 london bombings to spread information rapidly 據報道,在該案破獲中發揮重大作用的“文本式報文”電子信息平臺,是去年7月7日倫敦爆炸案發生以后開設的,用于向簽約公眾快速發布緊急信息。 |
He has also been plucked from a chimney where he became stuck while trying to burgle a house , and from the ceiling of a bank where he was pinned by a security device . when they arrived at the bank he was dangling by one leg and stuffing cash into his underpants 而在另外一次溜進一家銀行偷盜時,他被安全裝置固定在了天花板上動彈不得,當警方趕到案發現場時,他一邊在空中搖晃著自己的一條腿,一邊往內褲里塞鈔票。 |
Although he seems mean and penny pinching , he has had his share of bad luck . first , his baby boy died from a high fever , causing his wife to become a bit batty . then he was burgled , and the 3 million dollars that he scrimped and saved was gone in one night 表面好縮骨,事事計到盡,其實境況可憐凄慘兒子發高燒不幸早逝,老婆傷心到癲同時這數十年來他辛辛苦苦呃埋的300萬,竟一夜間俾人爆格,化為烏有! |
The duo aged 31 and 44 were arrested by officers of the regional crime unit of new territories south when they were trying to burgle a restaurant on chik shun street in tai wai yesterday ( november 15 ) 兩名男子年齡分別是三十一及四十四歲,于昨日(十一月十五日)在大圍積信街企圖爆竊一間食肆時被新界南總區重案組探員拘捕。 |
At about 10 . 40 am today ( august 21 ) , police received a report that a shop at the above address was burgled after the padlock of the main door was found missing 今早(八月二十一日)約十時四十分,警方接報上址一間店鋪正門的鎖頭不翼而飛,及后發現店鋪遭爆竊。 |
The jeweller had been burgled twice in a year before he decided to install extra security devices , but it was a case of locking the stable door after the horse has bolted 這個珠寶商一年內被偷竊兩次后才決定安裝特別的保險裝置,這是一個賊去關門的事例。 |
The court heard that police received a report on january 17 , 2002 that a flat in yau ma tei was burgled and four watches worth about $ 200 , 000 were stolen 案情透露,警方于二二年一月十七日接報,指油麻地一單位被爆竊,損失四只總值約二十萬的手表。 |
Dutch thief left an apologetic letter and promised a donation after he realized he was burgling a charity that helps the poor and elderly 荷蘭某位小偷在一家教堂行竊,當他意識到該教堂是專門幫助窮人和老人時,留下了這么一封檢討信,并承諾將來會捐款 |
Coulthard was convicted of burgling churches in 2003 , and used lock picks and surgical scissors hidden in an empty camera case he used to disguise himself as a tourist 這名嫌疑人正是庫爾撒德。在審訊中,庫爾撒德對警方指控的犯罪事實供認不諱。 |
He has also been plucked from a chimney where he becamestuckwhile trying to burgle a house , and from the ceiling of abankwhere he was pinned by a security device 此前,他在潛入一所住宅企圖行竊時曾被困在了一座煙囪里,后被他人救出。 |
Premiered at today s ceremony , the suspense - ridden tv api on anti - burglaries featured members of a victimised family wondering why their home was burgled 儀式中,大會首播防止家居爆竊電視短片,讓現場觀眾先睹為快。 |
There is no doubt advertising brings quick results . yesterday we advertised for a security guard and last night we were burgled 毫無疑問,廣告的效果立竿見影。昨天我們登廣告招聘一名保安人員,昨天晚上我們家就被盜了。 |
The four men then burgled a nearby construction site and were immediately stopped by the ambushing officers when they were about to leave 他們四人其后進入附近一個地盤爆竊,當他們正欲離開之際,探員立即將他們截停。 |
Every year hundreds of hong kong factories are burgled and millions of dollars worth of property is stolen 工廠防盜措施本港工廠失竊事件,每年招致數以百萬計港元的財物損失。 |
And what i hear is he ' s been burgling you three times a week for the last month 我所聽到的是最近一個月他每個禮拜偷你三次 |
Make them burgle his garage 讓別人撬竊他的車庫 |
Make them burgle his garage . 讓別人撬竊他的車庫 |
Good morning , i m going to burgle upstairs 早晨,趕著上樓爆竊! |
Everyone gets burgled at christmas , dad 爸爸,圣誕節每家人都會被偷的 |