
bunt n.1.抵,撞。2.【棒球】短打;以短打打出的球。vi....

And as he talked on , martin became aware that to his own lips had come the “ song of the trade wind “ : - “ i am strongest at noon , but under the moon i stiffen the bunt of the sail . 他一邊談著,馬丁卻意識到自己的唇邊出現了貿易風之歌“我最強勁時雖在正午,可等到夜里月兒透出,我也能吹得帆地鼓鼓。 ”


In this paper , we aim at the research to the decoding algorithm of turbo product codes , according to the principles of the log - likelihood ratio and the maximum a posteriori criterion , bunt the log - likelihood ratio approximating expression , form the correct strategy of iterative soft decoding , and present the optimal algorithm through software 幾乎所有tpc的應用研究都集中于采用矩陣交織,軟進/軟出( siso ) 、重復譯碼的方式上。本文主要是針對tpc譯碼算法進行研究,依據對數似然概率( llr )和最大后驗準則的原理,推導出對數似然概率估算的近似公式,形成tpc重復軟譯碼糾錯算法,并通過軟件實現。

People can show their apprecitation to all wwii veterans by writing a message of thanks on the back of a mini victory thanks bunting flag and returning it to the legion with a donation *人們可以通過在微型的勝利感謝小旗子的背面寫上感謝詞,并且把這個小旗子連同捐款一起寄回給軍隊,來向第二次世界大戰的老兵表達敬意。

The hardness and thickness of coal seam play a great role in the vertical distribution of stress in coal and the occurrence of rock bunt under the condition of hard roof and hard floor 在“兩硬”條件下,煤層厚度與硬度的變化對煤體中的應力分布有著很大的影響,從而對煤巖體系統中沖擊礦壓的發生有著很大的影響。

And as he talked on , martin became aware that to his own lips had come the “ song of the trade wind “ : - “ i am strongest at noon , but under the moon i stiffen the bunt of the sail . 他一邊談著,馬丁卻意識到自己的唇邊出現了貿易風之歌“我最強勁時雖在正午,可等到夜里月兒透出,我也能吹得帆地鼓鼓。 ”

These flags will be strung together to create lengths of bunting which will be displayed in trafalgar square for the veterans to see on 10th july - end of wwii day 這些小旗子將連接在一起成為一面大旗子,在7月10日,也就是第二次世界大戰的結束日,展現在特拉法爾加廣場,讓老戰士們觀看。

All kind of printing services : business card , brochure , leaflet , flyer , letterhead , catalogue , cash sales , wedding card , invitation card , booklet , banner , bunting , graphic design , etc 其它服務有:廣告設計,傳單,小冊子,結婚請柬,單簿,商業標簽,等等。

There were masts and hulls cropping up everywhere , bright bits of bunting , big open squares and high ceilinged caf s such as one only sees in the provinces 桅桿和船身處處可見,還有鮮艷的船旗、寬闊的廣場和只有在外省才見得到的屋頂很高的咖啡館。

Mit den color - clips in zehn verschiedenen farben - von modern bunt bis klassisch in gold - oder chromfarben - passt im handumdrehen alles perfekt zusammen Theodor heimeier在1928年建立公司之后不久,就已發展成配件制造業中出類拔萃的企業。

Bunt was probably a nickname given to him at school , for going around with his head lowered , ready to bump and shove anybody aside 鐵頭可能是他上學時得的綽號,那時他總低著頭走路,一副準備隨時一頭把人撞到一邊的架勢。

He declared that all mountains and rivers belonged to the court , and placed a ban on bunting and fishing 但是的君王名義上是國家一切的所有者,但百姓樵采漁獵是不受限制的(事實上政府也沒有力量來對此進行控制。 )

His name was bunt newcombe , and he had the first farm on the highway that curved southwest from town 他叫鐵頭?紐科姆,公路由小鎮往西南方向轉的地方是他的第一個農場。

These flags will be strung together to create lengths of bunting which will be displayed in 這些小旗子將連接在一起成為一面大旗子,在

The act of bunting 短打短打的動作

Guys , it ' s a bunt 伙計們,這是個短打球

The guy on stilts was a great gimmick . it beats balloons and bunting 站在高蹺上的人很會弄機關能射氣球和頰白鳥

They decorated the band stand with red , white , and blue bunting 他們用紅、白、蘭色旗子表針露天音樂臺。

Occurrence of wheat karnal bunt in american and its countermeasures 美國小麥印度腥黑穗病的發生及對策

Yeah . engelberg , that ' s a bunt , bud 嗯,鷹寶,這叫短打球,伙計