
bund n.(pl. Bünde ) 〔德語〕1.(政治上的)同...


Mit mehr als 6 , 3 millionen mitgliedern ist der deutsche fu ? ball - bund ( dfb ) der mitgliederst ? rkste sportverband der welt 擁有630萬成員的德國足球聯盟( dfb )是世界上會員最多的體育俱樂部。

At the end , we would like to solemnly introduce to you the banquet hall as a special program recommended by the bund hotel 最后為您隆重介紹“金外灘”賓館特別為您安排的宴會廳。

Probably it ' s our own fault i feel someone like you should be a member of our bund deutsche maedel 很有可能是我們自己的過錯我應該讓像您這樣的青年成為我們的青少年組織的一員的

Pulang and arcade : study on the official archetype of lingnan ' s arcade on the basis of zhang zhidong ' s plan for the guangzhou bund 從張之洞廣州長堤計劃看嶺南騎樓的官方原型

We will use this opportunity to carry out maintenance of the collection , such as repairing any leaks in the bunds 我們亦會藉此機會進行如維修堤岸滲水范圍等養殖池保養工程。

After nightfall , the sparkling lights make the entire bund and pudong new area a fantastic dreamland 到了晚上,絢麗的燈光更是將整個外灘和浦東打扮得如同夢幻般美麗。

All of these luxuries shall be waiting for you in the mekong river restaurant of the bund hotel 這一切就在“金外灘申福”的湄公河餐廳,入住賓館的您絕對不容錯過。

A sophisticated and relaxed lounge ideally located in the pulse of shanghai , on the bund where east meets west 月影酒廊是坐落于外灘景觀中心的高級休閑場所。

Its south bund vantage point affords unparalleled view of the west and east sides of the huang pu river 從南外灘優越的地理位置能盡賞到浦江兩岸的旖旎風光。

The bund sight - seeing tunnel is china ' s first cross - river pedestrian tunnel dug by hi - tech means 外灘觀光隧道是我國第一條運用了高科技手段的越江行人隧道。

At the end of 19th century and beginning of 20th century , the bund was a major financial hub of east asia 十九世紀末二十世紀初,外灘曾是東亞的金融中心。

Regular cutting of the grass along the pond bunds so that the areas of short grass are available for roosting birds 定期除草,使其他鳥類可于魚塘塘?棲息

A short walk to the subway train station and only 10 mins walk to the famous bund 賓館靠近地鐵及延安路高架,可便捷迅速地通往上海各商業區及旅游景點。

All ambassadors were then involved in cutting the grass that growing along the pond bund for feeding fish 隨后各環保大使即在魚塘塘?割草以喂飼塘魚。

The restaurant is of chinese style and the primary dining place in the whole of the bund hotel 金澤園餐廳是中式餐廳,也是整個金外灘賓館的主餐廳。

Fuzzy comparison analysis and evaluation on ecological benefits of various bunds planted with vegetation 不同生物埂生態效益的模糊對比分析與評價

Bunds or u - channels should be built along site perimeter within site area to direct effluent 工地內外需建有及u渠,以阻止污水外漏及疏導污水。

My friend mr bai lingqiao , my sister and i were in the bund of shanghai in 1999 1999年元旦,我的朋友柏靈巧、我的小妹和我在上海外灘。

We are aiming at building the bund hotel into a “ new bund ” of the new shanghai 我們的宗旨是把“金外灘”建設成新上海的“新外灘” !