
bumptious adj.〔口語〕傲慢的,狂妄的,唐突的。 be bump...


Washington ( reuters ) - a new space telescope that looks at the cosmos with infrared detectors has lifted the dust veils from newborn stars and a bumptious comet , and revealed the detail in the spiral arms of a neighboring galaxy 華盛頓(路透社) - - -一種能通過紅外線觀測宇宙的新型太空望遠鏡已經揭開了覆蓋在一些新誕生的恒星和一顆( )彗星上的宇宙塵面紗,向我們顯示了一個鄰近銀河系的旋臂的詳細情況。

But it is also worth acknowledging that these bumptious new economic powers have made the world more complicated for western policymakers 但是不可否認的是對西方的決策者們來說,這些傲慢自大的新興經濟國家的出現讓世界變得更加紛繁復雜。

But it is also worth acknowledging that these bumptious new economic powers have made the world more complicated for western policymakers 不過值得一提的是,對于西方的政策制定者來說,這些盲目自大的新經濟力量已經使世界變得更加復雜。

His classmates called him a show - off because of his bumptious airs 由于他老是裝出一副自以為是的架勢,所以同學們就叫他“自大的夜郎” 。

That bumptious lout 那魯莽下流!

His classmates called him a show-off because of his bumptious airs . 由于他老是裝出一副自以為是的架勢,所以同學們就叫他“自大的夜郎”。

Some of these secular priests were ignorant, bumptious . 那些俗里俗氣的神父中有些人一竅不通,自以為是。