
bullyrag = ballyrag.


So we put the sheet back on the line that night , and stole one out of her closet ; and kept on putting it back and stealing it again for a couple of days till she didn t know how many sheets she had any more , and she didn t care , and warn t a - going to bullyrag the rest of her soul out about it , and wouldn t count them again not to save her life ; she druther die first 誰要是叫她再數調羹,那她非要跟這人拼命不可。所以我們就在那天夜里,把床單放回曬衣繩子上,另外在衣柜里偷了一條,就這樣放放偷偷,有好幾天之久。到后來,她也弄不清自己究竟有幾條床單,還說反正她也不操這份心了,也不想為了這個白費勁啦。

Next day he was drunk , and he went to judge thatcher s and bullyragged him , and tried to make him give up the money ; but he couldn t , and then he swore he d make the law force him 第二天,他喝醉了。他到了撒切爾法官家里,對他一味胡攪蠻纏,想方設法要他把錢交出來,可就是做不到。他就賭咒發誓,要訴諸法律,逼他交出來。

I don t ever get enough to eat , gen ally - and here they can t come and pick at a feller and bullyrag him so . 就這么生活,我覺得再好也不過了。平常我連頓飽飯也沒吃過而且這兒也沒誰來欺負你。 ”

Next day he was drunk, and he went to judge thatcher's and bullyragged him . 第二天他喝醉了。他跑到法官莎徹家連唬帶罵。