
bully n.1.暴徒;欺侮弱者的人;(學校中)以大欺小的學生;〔...

“you wouldn't work if you had a chance,“ he bullied . “就是有機會,你也不愿干活的,”他盛氣凌人地說。

bully boy

She wanted to go , but he bullied her out of it 她想去,可是他嚇唬她不讓她去。

Research on the self - concept of adolescent bullies 關于欺負類兒童自我概念的研究

Bullies at school should rot in hell . let ' s go 在學校里以大欺小就該去死咱們走

A survey of bully behavior in the school context 中小學生校園欺負行為的調查研究

And presently the interrupter and his friends found themselves surrounded by the gang of hired bullies who wore the big rosettes and who glared menacingly at them . 這位打斷發言的人和他的朋友發現自己被一群雇用的打手包圍住了,打手們佩著大玫瑰花結,咄咄逼人地瞪著他們看。

He sought to obscure his lack of assurance by boisterousness, and his sense of latent inadequacy by occasional bullying . 他老是試圖用吵吵嚷嚷的言詞來掩飾他的缺乏自信,有時則靠嚇唬人來掩飾他的外強中干。

He represented himself as a hard-working, self-made small businessman victimized by mindless, bullying bureaucracy . 他把自己說成是一個勤勤懇懇、自食其力的小商人,深受冷酷無情、扶強欺弱的官僚機構所害。

On other occasions he bullied them with skill in ways that did not make it exactly plain to them that they were being bullied . 他時而巧妙地欺侮他們一下,而不使他們明顯地感覺到他們被欺侮了。

Hanley was a huge, florid man, with an outwardly bullying manner, which concealed a shy man underneath . 漢利身材魁梧,儀表堂堂,表面看來有一股氣勢洶洶的樣子,骨子里卻是個膽小害羞的人。

Cuff, the unquestioned king of the school, ruled over his subjects and bullied them, with splendid superiority . 克甫是學校里的無敵大王。他神氣活現的統治一批順民,不時的欺負他們。

Misery found no excuse for bullying anyone else because they were all tearing into it for all they were worth . 瘟神找不到別人的岔子好讓他來大呼小叫,因為他們都在拼命地干著。

Though they threatened him, persuaded him, bullied him, and stormed at him, he steadfastly refused to speak . 盡管他們威脅他、勸說他、嚇唬他,沖他大發雷霆,他始終閉口不言。

Feed restriction must be carefully controlled to prevent the bullies from getting most of the available feed . 限制飼料時必須很好地調節,以避免兇暴的雞奪取過多飼料。

They could not really understand why a superpower should compromise with a smaller regional bully . 他們想不通為什么堂堂一個超級大國要去遷就一個地區小惡霸。

He was the leader of the children and occasionally, in discharging his role, something of a bully . 他是兒童中的頭兒,而為了執行頭兒的任務,偶爾也有些霸道。

His wife was a little sharp-faced woman, who bullied her husband when he was sober . 他的老婆是個面相尖刻的小個子婦人。男人清醒時,她便呼么喝六。

They abused their power and bullied the people , thus arousing intense discontent among the masses .. 他們仗勢欺人,引起群眾強烈的不滿。

They tore my clothes, bullied and roared, as if they would have murdered me . 他們扯破我的衣服,威嚇著,大聲嚷著,好像要把我殺死似的。