
bullhorn 1.手提式電子擴音機。2.〔美俚〕大號(=tuba).

< i > ( over bullhorn ) : all right , when i say “ action , “ < / i > 當我說“開始”


Because he liked the stereotype of the principal in the movie , walking in the halls with a baseball bat and a bullhorn 這是因為他喜歡電影里那位一手拿著棒球棒,一手拿著擴音器在走廊里走來走去的校長的形象。

The only way he could have made what he was saying any louder would be with a bullhorn 若讓他說那些話時聲音再大一點兒,他唯一可用的方法就是用手提擴音器了。

Mom took out a box with real things in it , a baseball bat , a bullhorn and a note card 母親拿出了一個盒子,里面是真正的棒球棒,真正的擴音器,以及一張字條。

You ' re talking into a bullhorn for god ' s sake 你他媽的有擴音器

Give me a bullhorn so i won ' t have to yell 給我一個擴音器,我喊不動了

< i > ( over bullhorn ) : all right , when i say “ action , “ < / i > 當我說“開始”

The bullhorn acacia is not a tree of the dark windless depths of the tropical rain-forest . 牛角相思樹不喜歡在陰暗不透風茂密的熱帶林區中生長。

The bullhorn acacia has serious competition . 牛角相思樹面臨著嚴峻的挑戰。