
bull n.1.公牛;雄象,雄鯨;雄性大動物。2.軀體龐大的人,...

bull baiting

One prized find is a bull that has a bearded man's head, fashioned out of beaten gold over wood . 有一件珍貴的發現物是一個有胡子的人頭公牛。它是一件表面包有金箔的木雕。

He also notices whether the bull runs straight or if he has a tendency to cut ground toward the man as he charges . 他還要看牛在沖擊時是直線前進,還是要抄近路向人撲來。

The bull of a chap just went butting, and if they didn't look out ladysmith would fall . 這頭笨牛總是那樣橫沖直撞,他們再不小心的話,連史密斯夫人城都要陷落了。

Apparently sensitive to criticism , the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk . 看來那公牛對挑釁很敏感,它完全撇開斗牛士,直奔醉漢而來。

One of the most startling aspects of the wild bull market was the suddenness with which it developed . 投機狂潮的最驚人現象之一,是它發展的驟然性。

Margaret and reicht were agreed that a man should always take the bull by the horns . 瑪格麗特和賴克特意見一致,認為一個男人做事應當總是當機立斷。

The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunkard . 那時,公牛正專心對付斗牛士,但它看到了醉漢。

Thus in the bull the capacity for erection of the penis precedes the appearance of spermatozoa . 因此公牛的陽莖勃起能力先于精子的出現。

The bulls producing donor sperm are screened first for disease and bloodlines . 對用作提供精液的公牛,首先要調查它們的病史和血緣關系。

Still another depicted europa deceived by jupiter under the disguise of a bull . 再一幅是描寫歐羅巴如何被化身成公牛的朱庇特所欺騙。

Any statement against the government is like a red rag to a bull to that minister . 任何反對政府的言論都會惹得那位部長暴跳如雷。

It has hair upon it, the cheeks hang and he is stronger than many bulls . 面上長著髭須,面頰豐滿得下垂,強過許多頭公牛的力氣。

When the bull got close to him , he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass . 當公牛逼近他時,他笨拙地往旁邊一閃,牛撲空了。

The mention of that man's name to him is like a red rag to a bull . 對他提起那人的姓名,就象有什么事激怒了他似的。

That was no bull . 那不是空話。

A milk cow is a female, a bull is a male of the same animal . 奶牛是母牛,而公牛則是這種同類動物的雄牛。

Three bulls fed in a field together in the greatest peace and amity . 三頭公牛和睦地一起在地里吃草。

This bull gores people . 這牛愛頂人。

Female elephants are usually smaller and weigh less than the bulls . 雌象一般比雄象小,也比雄象輕。