
bulgar n.= Bulgarian.


10 people , all speaking only their different native languages , come together to have diner : russian , german , litaunian , portuguese , korean , arabian , cantonese , bulgar , hebraic and serbo - croat 十個人,所有人都說著他們本國的語言,聚在一起吃飯。這些語言是俄語,德語,意大利語,葡萄牙語,韓語,阿拉伯語,廣東話,保加利亞語,希伯來語,和塞爾維亞語。

How many were lost on the return journey we do not know , but what is certain is that when the survivors reached the bulgar capital , tsar samuel fell down in a fit at the sight and died within two days 有多少人在途中失足喪命,我們不知道,但有一點可以肯定:那些得保性命的士兵回到國都,國王撒母耳見了,嚇得昏倒,兩天之后,一命嗚呼。