
bughouse n.〔美口〕精神病院,瘋人院。adj.1.癲狂的,發瘋的...

He was entranced by illumination , and did not hear the “ bughouse , “ whispered by jim , nor see the anxiety on his sister s face , nor notice the rotary motion of bernard higginbotham s finger , whereby he imparted the suggestion of wheels revolving in his brother - in - law s head 這種大徹大悟使他出了神,沒有聽見吉姆在悄悄說“神經病” ,沒有看見他姐姐臉上的焦慮表情,也沒注意到帕納德希金波坦用手指在畫著圓圈,暗示他小舅子的腦袋里有些亂七八糟的輪子在轉動。

bughouse square

He was entranced by illumination , and did not hear the “ bughouse , “ whispered by jim , nor see the anxiety on his sister s face , nor notice the rotary motion of bernard higginbotham s finger , whereby he imparted the suggestion of wheels revolving in his brother - in - law s head 這種大徹大悟使他出了神,沒有聽見吉姆在悄悄說“神經病” ,沒有看見他姐姐臉上的焦慮表情,也沒注意到帕納德希金波坦用手指在畫著圓圈,暗示他小舅子的腦袋里有些亂七八糟的輪子在轉動。

Discussion nursing dissension in bughouse 精神專科醫院護理糾紛問題探討