
buggy adj.1.臭蟲多的。2.神經有毛病的;古怪的;淘氣的。...


Still , you have slightly tricked - out versions of today ' s buggies , armoured personnel carriers , and tanks 而且,你還有輕便的現代越野車、武裝人員運輸車和坦克。

When done , you have confidence that some functional areas are less buggy , others more 在執行完畢后,你可以確信某些功能領域的錯誤較少了,其他的還比較多。

We ' re at the park now so i am able to bend down and busy myself letting mille out of her buggy 我們到了公園,我可以彎下腰,讓自己忙著把米莉弄出嬰兒車。

The three wheeled kite buggy is the most popular and fastest growing form of kite sailing 在牽引風箏中牽引車可以說是最流行、發展速度也最快的一類玩法。

The state will persist until the buggy vliw transmeta code is flushed from the cache 這種狀態會持續到老出錯誤的vliw transmeta的代碼被從緩沖器中移去。

It ' s a maxim in system security circles that buggy software opens up security holes 存在最多的系統安全隱患主要是由于很多帶有漏洞的軟件存在安全漏洞。

In recent years it s become a craze to get a jeep and go for a buggy ride on the sands 最近幾年,吉普車飆沙風氣興起,發源地正是此處的九棚大沙漠。

You can also use comments to note where functionality is missing , buggy , or incomplete 還可以使用注釋來記錄在哪里發生了功能丟失、錯誤或不完整。

Buzzer hives and devourer tanks : use the devourer tanks to deal with scorpion tanks and raider buggies 蜂巢和吞食者:用吞食者對付蝎子和四驅車。

31 ruby rugby ' s brother bought and brought her back some rubber baby - buggy bumpers 魯比勒比的哥哥買了一些四輪嬰兒手推車的膠保險桿回來給她。

Ruby rugby ' s brother bought and brought her back some rubber baby - buggy bumpers 魯比勒比的哥哥買了一些四輪嬰兒手推車的膠保險杠回來給她。

His father had just purchased a new horse and buggy ? an extravagant possession in 1921 他的父親購買了一個新馬和兒童車? 1921年侈奢的財產。

Including : green fee ; caddie fee ; facility fee ; buggy fee & insurance fee only 打球費用包括:果嶺費、球僮費、設施費、球車費和保險費。

Ruby rugby ' s brother bought and brought her back some rubber baby - buggy bumpers 如碧拉戈比的哥哥買了一些橡膠的嬰兒車保險桿回來給她。

Once you reach tripods , attack bike and raider buggy spam should be no problem 一旦你可以造三腳,攻擊摩托和四驅車海應該就沒問題了。

Coil transfer buggy 自卷運送車

I ' ve always thought a good lashing with a buggy whip would benefit you immensely 我一直在想,用馬鞭子狠狠抽你一頓對你大有好處!

No to the horse and buggy 馬和馬車不行

This is a guide on how to effectively use attack bikes and raider buggies 這是一篇教你如何有效利用摩托和四驅車的指導。