
buffalo n.(pl. buffaloes, buffalos, ...

It came up to the buffalo and asked , “ excuse me 然后它就跑來問那頭老牛:對不起啊!

buffalo bird

Indians hunted the prairie for buffalo 印第安人在北美大草原上捕獵野牛。

Loves by the buffalo came to us in a vision . . “野牛使者”帶給我一些幻象

What will happen when the buffalo are all slaughtered 當水牛都被宰殺時將會發生什么?

Who has come out to parlay with buffalo bill 誰出來和布法羅比爾玩賭博了

It came up to the buffalo and asked , “ excuse me 然后它就跑來問那頭老牛:對不起啊!

When the water buffalo saw xingyuan , it began to cry 當水牛看到興元,就哭了起來。

Battle among buffalo , lions and crocodiles 水牛大戰獅子鱷魚中英文字幕版。

Loved by the buffalo was chased by dark dreams 黑暗夢想一直追尋的布法羅的愛

Don ' t buffalo me into doing something i don ' t want to do 別威脅我做我不想做的事。

It was loved by the buffalo that brought the pox to them 疾病是“野牛使者”帶來的

And we are like small buffalo herds who have scattered 而我們就象一群走散了的水牛

Found on buffalo s web page see 的文件,在buffalo的web網頁上可以找到(請參閱

Citys gift to condos hurts us all - buffalo news 處理有沖勁的基督徒- tracy新聞

5 - day tour : new york inbound , buffalo outbound 五日團:紐約進,水牛城出。

Niagara falls - buffalo 5 days tour - hometown :尼加拉瓜大瀑布水牛城家園五日團

Three factors related to buffalo fight of the miao people 淺談苗族斗牛文化三要素

He must be takin ' stupid lessons from that buffalo 他一定是被那個笨牛給弄傻了

White feather was renamed loved by the buffalo , “膽小鬼”被改名為“野牛使者”