
buddhist n.佛教徒。 a Buddhist monk 僧,和尚。...


The buddhist implication of lingnan poet ni hong ' s poetry 嶺南詩人倪鴻詩歌中的佛學意蘊

National university of singapore buddhist society -本地佛教訊息報導,南洋佛教文章選讀

Revealing the secrets of kezier thousand buddhist caves 克孜爾千佛洞揭秘

The tiantai buddhist philosophy in liu zhong - yuan ' s works 淺議柳宗元詩文中的天臺宗思想

A narrow view of folk proverbs in ancient buddhist codes 試論藏族諺語中的民間佛教觀念

To promote buddhist culture , education and activities 推動佛教文化教育與活動的發展。

The lady continued to ask , “ what are buddhist things 女士再問道: “禪事怎么做呢? ”

Buddhist theory of samskrta - dharma and asamskrta - dharma . . 佛教的有為法與無為法觀念:

On the buddhist mood in wang wei ' s pastoral poems 論王維山水田園詩中的禪意

And that buddhist monk - - that was not my idea 還有那個僧侶那不是我的主意

Chinese buddhist culture and the life in a modern society 中國佛教文化與現代社會人生

The history and role of buddhist scripture translation in china 佛經漢譯的歷史和作用

Many people go to that buddhist temple on the weekends 許多人在周末到佛教的寺院去。

On the thought of buddhist book lamrim written by zongkapa 皎然的佛學思想與詩歌創作

Buddhist chan guang children s home for orphans 花蓮財團法人佛教私立禪光育幼院孤兒

Singapore buddhist federation location map getting here 新加坡佛教總會地圖如何前往

The research on performance of the tang buddhist songs 唐代佛曲表演形態蠡測

Buddhist followers in front of the jokhang monastery 走近寺廟大昭寺門前的佛教信徒

Annotations on some difficult words from buddhist anas 禪宗語錄疑難詞語考釋