
bubble n.1.泡,水泡;氣泡;泡沫。2.幻想,妄想,泡影;欺詐...

bubble bath

The first bubbles to escape from the liquid are a mixture of air and hydrogen . 從該液體中最先逸出的氣泡是空氣和氫的混合物。

Large-scale bubbling or heterogeneity is not observed under normal conditions . 在正常情況下觀察不到大規模的鼓泡或不均一性。

All we can hear is an indistinct crackling, bubbling and hissing . 我們所能聽到的只是一些模糊不清的劈啪聲,咕嘟聲和嘶嘶聲。

Liquid drains from the upper surface of the bubble and it soon becomes unstable . 液體從氣泡表面排出,氣泡很快變得不穩定。

Bubbles simply supply a short cut for the faster-moving percolating gas . 氣泡不過是對快速運動的滲透氣體提供了一條捷徑。

Eleanor was happy and cheerful, bubbling about her many plans . 艾莉諾往往是高興而愉快的,滔滔不絕地談論她的許多計劃。

What are those things that are dear to man? are they not bubbles ? 什么是人類珍視的東西呢?難道不都是些煙云泡影嗎?

The rising bubbles will induce a distinct circulation of solid in the bed . 上升氣泡引起床層中一種明顯的固體循環。

I invested his money, poor fellow, in a bubble scheme . 我把他這個可憐的人給我的錢,都投到一家招搖騙人的公司里。

The solids dispersed in bubbles play a possibly significant role . 分散于氣泡中的固體顆粒可能起著一種顯著作用。

Particles near the center of a bubble are carried upward in the wake . 靠近氣泡中心的顆粒在尾渦中被向上帶去。

The sparkle and bubble has gone out and it is a tasteless drink . 閃亮的泡沫已經化為烏有,這是淡而無味的酒。

The number and size of these bubbles increase with rise in gas velocity . 氣泡數及其大小隨氣速的加大而增加。

Her cheerful spirits and bubbling laughter infected the whole class . 她那快樂的情緒和爽朗的笑聲感染了全班。

Madame curie did not need any more to bend over bubbling pans . 居里夫人不需要再守著噗噗沸騰的鐵鍋干活了。

We view fresh gas entering the bed only in the form of gas bubbles . 新鮮氣體可視作僅以氣泡形式進入床層。

The bubble has burst . 氣泡破了。

Bubble chambers are not selective because they cannot be triggered . 氣泡室由于不能觸發而沒有選擇性。

Bubbles of gas rise through the dense phase, erupt at the surface . 從密相升起的氣泡,在表面上爆裂。