
brute n.1.動物,獸,畜生。2.人面獸心的人,殘暴的人。3....

“ and what am i to pay with , brute ? “你叫我拿什么來付呢,畜生? ”

“ pardon me , you are right . i am a brute “原諒我,你說得對我真笨。


Bernard higginbotham was a brute to work her so hard 伯納德希金波坦真是個禽獸,竟叫她這么辛苦。

Men differ from brutes in it that they can think and speak 人之所以異于禽獸,就在能思想能說話。

They ' re as near as brutes as they can get 他們簡直就是一幫畜生

Noisy brute . why don ' t we just go into light speed 吵鬧的野蠻人為什么我們還沒有進行光速飛行?

I tell you , they re dirty brutes 我跟你說,他們都是卑鄙的家伙!

Men differ from brutes in that they can think and speak 人類區分于動物在于既能說話又能想事。

Quiet brute . old men s dogs usually are 那是一只溫和馴順的家畜。

Men differ from brutes in that they can think and speak 人之不同于禽獸,在于人能思考和說話。

These brutes will not let you pai think 這些畜生我想不會放過你們的

“ and what am i to pay with , brute ? “你叫我拿什么來付呢,畜生? ”

“ pardon me , you are right . i am a brute “原諒我,你說得對我真笨。

Men differ from brutes in that they can think and speak 人不同于禽獸在于人能思考并會說話。

Unfortunately , brute force will not work in go 然而不幸的是,暴力破解在圍棋中將失去作用。

His father was a drunken brute 他的父親是個酗酒成性、冷酷無情的人

Man has struggled long against the brute forces of nature 人類對抗自然的蠻力為時已久。

You are a brute to have forgotten my birthday 你真是畜生忘掉我的生日。

I ' ll not have the brute free upon my ship 我不會在船上放出那只野獸的。