
brushwork 1.繪畫。2.畫風。

Beginning from cognizing the relation of rock painting brushwork and chinese painting , this paper analyzes the feasibility of combining of rock painting brushwork and the spirit of freehand brushwork and brings forward the conception of “ freehand brushwork of rock painting “ which integrates the two essence of freehand brushwork spirit and skill recombination 文章從認識巖彩畫與中國繪畫的承繼關系入手,分析了巖彩畫和寫意精神結合的可能性并提出融會寫意精神和技法重組這兩大要素的“巖彩寫意畫”概念。


Beginning from cognizing the relation of rock painting brushwork and chinese painting , this paper analyzes the feasibility of combining of rock painting brushwork and the spirit of freehand brushwork and brings forward the conception of “ freehand brushwork of rock painting “ which integrates the two essence of freehand brushwork spirit and skill recombination 文章從認識巖彩畫與中國繪畫的承繼關系入手,分析了巖彩畫和寫意精神結合的可能性并提出融會寫意精神和技法重組這兩大要素的“巖彩寫意畫”概念。

Before begin to draw the paint formally , i tried to draw the concept sketch . throughout the concept sketch , i confirmed the layout and inter - relationship . aiming at the needed atmosphere , i drawn farther . i used some light brushwork when i portray the character in the paint , and the other part , i just outlined them roughly , and made them fade - out to the dark , and coming into the dreamland 在正式作畫前,我先嘗試性的繪制了概念稿.通過概念稿,明確空間布局及相互關系.針對所需表達的氛圍,深入作畫.畫面角色刻畫,留有較多的亮色筆觸,其他部分,只作大致的勾勒,并逐漸隱入黑色,漸入幻境

If the subjects true characters are retained through the brushwork of the artist , each of these human figures , from the clown to the brothers , is actually a medium for portraying the fun , humor and irrationality of the astral world - in short , the humor and contradiction in a human being s simultaneous existence and non - existence in the mundane world , along with life s emptiness 第二幅叫清水池,里面有三個人,郭師兄是色盲陳師兄是駝背楊師兄個子短小。從小丑到這些師兄在畫家的筆下,表達了作者的幽默和世間的相對層面空與有的幻相。

Under his father ' s influence , chung hai ' s wash drawing and landscape painting with confident painting style and steady brushwork that among the mixed water and ink , he continuously seeks the flowing feeling of change to have the dancing aroma in the work , even with the angle of active feeling 水墨山水畫在其父之影響下,下筆大膽、用筆沉? ,水墨相溶之中,不斷追求流動變化之感,使作品中含有舞蹈的韻味,更帶有動感的視角。

Impressionism , which started in the 1860 s in france , is a major art movement in the history of western art . the artists captured the impression of the changing world with experiment of new techniques and subjects executed in vivid colours and brushworks 法國印象派藝術源于19世紀60年代,當時一群年輕藝術家以嶄新的藝術手法、表現當時的大千世界及他們對事物的瞬間感覺。

The infectivity formed by exquisite colors and different brushworks , in the status that the paint is infiltrated thoroughly into canvas or attached on the canvas , has touched the hearts of visual art experience , so simple and complete 精妙的色彩和各異的筆觸,在顏料吃透畫布或附著于畫布上的狀態中,顏色加筆觸所形成的感染力直接而干脆地打動那些具有藝術視覺體驗的心靈!

Because enter oneself for an examination , a lot of meetings and sketch watercolour concern the professional class after building professional student enter a school , when so unified regulation examinee enters oneself for an examination , must add try brushwork 因為報考建筑專業的學生入學后的專業課很多會和素描水彩有關,所以統一規定考生報考時都必須加試繪畫。

Chinese content paints pen of division of labor and freehand brushwork in traditional chinese painting , enjoyable calligraphy or drawing kind with at literary sketch , the configuration that literary sketch conduces to pair of characters holds and of line apply 中國人物畫分工筆和寫意,寫意的筆法類同于速寫,速寫有助于對人物的形態把握和線條的運用

The reproduction , which is exact to the original in every possible detail - color , size , brushwork , and silk mounting - was done by the world s premiere chinese art publication house : nigensha 復制品的每一處細節,如色彩尺寸畫法材質等等,都精確地作到了與原作一致。復制是由世界首屈一指的中國藝術品印制商日本二玄社完成的。

A kind of artistic faction in the brushwork of main consist in of contemporary west popularity - - abstract art , , the view breaks away from reality , will reflect pure inner world with abstract symbol 現代西方流行的主要存在于繪畫中的一種藝術派別? ?抽象藝術, ,主張脫離現實,用抽象符號來反映純精神世界。

Because it relies on japanese skill and modern compositon too much , modern rock painting brushwork lacks chinese painting spirit so as to restrict its further development in china 摘要現代巖彩畫由于太倚依賴重來自日本的技法和現代構成而缺乏中國繪畫精神,也因此阻礙其在國內的進一步發展。

Breaking away from the rules of conventional painting techniques , they used vigorous , painterly brushwork and looked to the magical play of lights and colours as they searched for a more atmospheric effect 技法上以瀟灑奔放的筆觸,追逐光影幻變間紛呈的色彩,并著重營造畫面整體氣氛。

Live , descriptive and at the same time expressive colouration is only a part of our endeavour . we also stress brushwork , as the best of traditional schools do 因為活潑、有敘述性及富于表現的色彩?是我們努力的一部分。我們更強調筆法,而且重視的程度絕對不減于傳統學派。

Though he uses the nonfigurative brushwork , we still can feel the face expression of every character in the painting and their mental state 畫家用明麗,鮮艷的色彩表現了街頭的繁華,雖然用的是抽象筆法,但是我們似乎能感覺到每一個人的面目表情,神態和他們所處的狀態。

Not all 3 , 500 participants were able to achieve the sought - after state of concentration believed best for calligraphy as they competed for the best brushwork 參加此次活動的3500名書法作者互相比拼,看誰的水平最高,但是并不是所有人都能達到寫書法所要求的專心境界。

Cinematic freehand brushworks - an approach to wong kar - wai s films using a concept and method in chinese traditional painting and some observations on the national style and modernization of chinese cinema 論王家衛電影的寫意性兼及中國電影的民族化與現代化等問題

It broke the situation that was controlled by the single aesthetics standard and became the pioneer of freehand brushwork with intellectuals in tang dynasty 它打破了以釉色裝飾為主要審美標準的一統天下局面,同唐朝文人“逸品畫家”一起開創了大寫意中國畫的先河。

The artists captured the impression of the changing world with experiment of new techniques and subjects executed in vivid colours and brushworks 法國印象派藝術源于19世紀60年代,當時一群年輕藝術家以嶄新的藝術手法表現當時的大千世界及他們對事物的瞬間感覺。