
brunswick n.1.不倫瑞克〔德國原中部州名,市名〕。2.布倫斯威克...

Tsai , yen - zen 1996 . “ scripture and authority : the political dimension of han wu - ti ' s canonization of the five classics , “ presented at the conference on “ the hermeneutic traditions in chinese culture , “ rutgers university - new brunswick , oct . 10 - 12 蔡彥仁, 1997b .比較宗教經典與儒學研究:主題與方法學芻議,儒學與世界文明學術會議,新加坡國立大學, 6月16 - 19日。

There is strong evidence that in many cases bed - wetting can “ result from delayed neurodevelopment , “ said the report from the robert wood johnson medical school in new brunswick , new jersey 此研究報告由新澤西州新不倫瑞克羅伯特?伍德?約翰遜醫科學校發表。報告稱,事實有力證明,在很多情況下,尿床都是“緣于神經發育遲緩“ 。

There is strong evidence that in many cases bed - wetting can “ result from delayed neurodevelopment , “ said the report from the robert wood johnson medical school in new brunswick , new jersey 這可能是因為用母乳喂養的孩子發育的比較好。此研究報告由新澤西州新不倫瑞克羅伯特伍德約翰遜醫科學校發表。

brunswick black

Thereon embossed in excellent smithwork was seen the image of a queen of regal port , scion of the house of brunswick , victoria her name , her most excellent majesty , by grace of god of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland and of the british dominions beyond the sea , queen , defender of the faith , empress of india , even she , who bore rule , a victress over many peoples , the well - beloved , for they knew and loved her from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof , the pale , the dark , the ruddy and the ethiop 承蒙上主的恩寵,至高無上的女工陛下君臨大不列顛和愛爾蘭聯合王國以及海外英國領土。她是女王,信仰的捍衛者,印度的女皇。就是她,戰勝了眾邦,受到萬人的崇敬,從日出到日落之地138 ,蒼白淺黑微紅到黝黑皮膚的人們,都曉得并愛戴她。

For drug - coated stent makers such as natick , mass . - based boston scientific corp . and new brunswick , n . j . - based johnson & johnson , the shift has been costly , since drug - coated models cost around $ 2 , 100 apiece compared with $ 850 for bare - metal ersions introduced more than a decade ago 對于支架制造商,諸如位于馬薩諸塞州納提克的波士頓科技公司和新澤西州新不倫瑞克的強生公司,這個轉變是非常昂貴的,因為藥物涂層支架每個價值2100美元左右,而幾十年前發明的裸層金屬支架每個價值850美元。

Sauce for the gander . a hackney car , number three hundred and twentyfour , driver barton james of number one harmony avenue , donnybrook , on which sat a fare , a young gentleman , stylishly dressed in an indigoblue serge suit made by george robert mesias , tailor and cutter , of number five eden quay , and wearing a straw hat very dressy , bought of john plasto of number one great brunswick street , hatter 他那套款式新穎的靛藍色嗶嘰衣服是住在伊登碼頭區五號的縫紉兼剪裁師喬治羅伯特梅西雅斯209做的頭上戴的那頂極其時髦漂亮的草帽子是從大布倫斯維克街一號的帽商約翰普拉斯托那兒買的。

The work of salvage , removal of debris human remains etc has been entrusted to messrs michael meade and son , 159 , great brunswick street and messrs t . c . martin , 77 , 78 , 79 and 80 , north wall , assisted by the men and officers of the duke of cornwall s light infantry under the general supervision of h . r . h . , rear admiral the right honourable sir hercules hannibal habeas corpus anderson k . g . , 一切救助工作,被毀物644及遺體等等的搬運,均托付給大布倫斯威克街一五九號的邁克爾米德父子公司以及北沃爾街七十七七十八七十九和八十號的t與c 。

Hentique was in charge of planning his luxury activity with hurun report , along with various world brands such as ferrari - maserati , brunswick , hennessy , robinson , mikimoto jewelry , aurora and debauve et gallais , etc . , inviting dozens of social elites and high - class , including the consulate general of belgium in shanghai , the president of hong kong calligraphy and painting association , deutsche bank ag , bank of east asia , as well as the upper - class of some foreign banks and presidents of asia - pacific areas of several multi - national companies ; world - renowned movie star rosamund kwan and hurun report listed top 100 chinese entrepreneurs also participated in the banquet , promoting a high - end experience of lifestyle 盛典由涵田機構攜手胡潤百富精心策劃,聯合法拉利-瑪莎拉蒂、賓士域豪華游艇、軒尼詩、羅賓遜、御木本珠寶、奧羅拉、黛堡嘉萊等世界頂級品牌共同發起,邀請到各界名流共襄盛宴,包括比利時領館駐滬總領事、香港中國書畫會會長、德意志銀行、東亞銀行等外資銀行高層及部分跨國企業亞太區總裁、著名影星關之琳以及“胡潤百富” 2006年最新出爐的中國大陸財富排名的前百名企業家,共同發起一場極致生活體驗。

On july 31 , the new brunswick , n . j . - based company announced plans to cut its work force by up to 4 percent , or 4 , 820 jobs , because of the stent decline , as well as slumping sales of a key drug and looming patent expirations 7月31日,這個位于新澤西州新不倫瑞克的公司宣布,因為支架銷售的減少、一個關鍵藥物的銷售量降低和即將到來的藥物過期,公司計劃裁員4 ,也就是4820個職位。

Tsai , yen - zen 1996 . “ scripture and authority : the political dimension of han wu - ti ' s canonization of the five classics , “ presented at the conference on “ the hermeneutic traditions in chinese culture , “ rutgers university - new brunswick , oct . 10 - 12 蔡彥仁, 1997b .比較宗教經典與儒學研究:主題與方法學芻議,儒學與世界文明學術會議,新加坡國立大學, 6月16 - 19日。

There is strong evidence that in many cases bed - wetting can “ result from delayed neurodevelopment , “ said the report from the robert wood johnson medical school in new brunswick , new jersey 此研究報告由新澤西州新不倫瑞克羅伯特?伍德?約翰遜醫科學校發表。報告稱,事實有力證明,在很多情況下,尿床都是“緣于神經發育遲緩“ 。

New brunswick , n . j . - a doctor has pleaded not guilty to stealing a hand from a new jersey medical school cadaver and giving it to an exotic dancer , authorities said 美國警方透露說,一名醫生從新澤西醫學院的一具尸體上偷竊了一只人手并將這只手送給了一位奇怪的舞者。目前,這名醫生已經為自己申請了無罪辯護。

There is strong evidence that in many cases bed - wetting can “ result from delayed neurodevelopment , “ said the report from the robert wood johnson medical school in new brunswick , new jersey 這可能是因為用母乳喂養的孩子發育的比較好。此研究報告由新澤西州新不倫瑞克羅伯特伍德約翰遜醫科學校發表。

The bridge links the canadian provinces of prince edward island and new brunswick together , as part of a promise during confederation back in 1873 , hence the name confederation bridge 這座橋把愛德華王子島和新不倫瑞克的加拿大省連結在一起, 1873年命名同盟橋,作為回顧諾言在同盟期間的記憶。

Professor chan yiu tong obtained his bachelor s and master s degrees from queen s university in canada , and his phd from the university of new brunswick 陳耀棠教授在加拿大修讀電機工程,于queensuniversity取得學士及碩士學位,并獲universityofnewbrunswick頒授哲學博士學位。

New brunswick , n . j . - a doctor has pleaded not guilty to stealing a hand from a new jersey medical school cadaver and giving it to an exotic dancer , authorities said 美國警方透露說,一名醫生從新澤西醫學院的一具尸體上偷竊了一只人手并將這只手送給了一位奇怪的舞者。

The environment and sustainable development research centre was established in 1994 with funding from the environmental trust fund and the university of new brunswick 描述:該環境與可持續發展研究中心在環境信托基金和加拿大新伯恩斯韋克大學的資助下于1994年成立。

Police believe a six - year - old boy from brunswick , georgia was abducted from a trailer park where he lives . the boy hasn ' t been seen since last thursday 警方確認喬治亞州布倫斯維克市的一名六歲男孩在他住的活動住屋遭到綁架,該名男童自上周四以來就失蹤了。

Now they were 20 miles from brunswick , and the young people took over window seats on the right side , waiting for the approach of the great oak tree 他們離布倫斯威克只有二十英里了,年輕人都坐到了車右邊靠窗的座位上,等待著那棵大橡樹的出現。