
bruit n.1.【醫學】(心)雜音,(聽診器聽出的)異常音。2....

Even the word “daker“, if bruited carelessly, might be a blind . 即使“達喀爾”三字一時不慎,傳了出去,那也是一個無從猜測的謎。


In order to meet the payments then due ; he had collected all his resources , and , fearing lest the report of his distress should get bruited abroad at marseilles when he was known to be reduced to such an extremity , he went to the beaucaire fair to sell his wife s and daughter s jewels and a portion of his plate 為了應付月底,他曾傾盡了他所有的財源。他深怕自己的窘況會在馬賽傳揚開去,所以到布揆耳的集市,把他妻子和女兒的珠寶賣了,還賣了他的一部分金銀器皿。

Consider this if the patient is aged more than 60 years with unexplained syncope . perform in the clinic if no bruits , ventricular tachycardia , recent stroke , or myocardial infarction 如病人年齡超過60歲并伴有不明因暈厥時可考慮此手法。如無心臟雜音、室性心動過速、新近中風或心梗,可在門診進行。

The representative ' s job is to bruit the company ' s products abroad 公司代表的工作就是向國外宣傳公司的產品。

The news of the impending marriage was bruited abroad 婚期臨近的消息傳遍了各處

Even the word “daker“, if bruited carelessly, might be a blind . 即使“達喀爾”三字一時不慎,傳了出去,那也是一個無從猜測的謎。

Of course their conversation alters, and new themes are bruited . 當然他們的談話也改換題目了,新的話題也悄悄地談開了。

The report was bruited through the village . 消息傳遍了全村。