
brownout n.1.燈火[部分]管制;節電。2.燈光暗淡;電壓不足。


Brownouts are sometimes caused by overloaded circuits and are sometimes caused intentionally by the ac utility company in order to reduce the power drawn by users during peak demand periods ( like during hot summers when everyone is using their air conditioners ) 有時電路過載會引起電燈暗淡,有時供電公司有意這樣做,是為了在用電高峰期內降低用戶的用電量(比如在盛夏,每家人家都在使用空調) 。

Studies have shown that brownouts of all durations make up the vast majority of power problems that affect telephone systems and computers 研究表明所有時段里的燈火管制是影響電話系統和計算機使用的主要電源供電原因。

For instance , too little electricity , caused by a brownout or blackout , may cause the loss of data in primary storage 例如,電壓不足或斷電引起的電流過小,可能造成主存儲器中的數據丟失。

When your voltage drops more than 10 % below what it ' s meant to be , it ' s a brownout 當你的電源電壓跌倒正常值10 %以下時,則稱為電燈暗淡。

How to cope with brownout 如何對付忘詞

How ? to ? cope ? with ? brownout 如何對付忘詞

Changsha , capital of the central hunan province , has reported power brownouts 據報道,湖南省會長沙已經限電。

If a brownout lasts less than about a second , it is called a sag 如果電燈暗淡不超過1秒鐘,則稱為sag 。