
brownfield 棕色地帶〔指城市中拆除舊房后可蓋新建筑物之空地〕。

Instructions for the auto industry “ brownfield “ transformation simulation 汽車工業?置廠房轉型模擬之指南


In toronto , sessions were held on topics such as public - private partnerships project finance , site remediation technologies brownfield redevelopment , waste hazardous waste technologies , renewable alternative energies technologies , environmental management systems , water and waste water technologies among others 北電網絡是世界的先進電訊產業先驅者之一。目前他們的服務項目有:電訊相關設備與全面性的專業技術,包括了全球現有的三種先進無線技術gprs cdma2000與umts 。

Local contacts identified urgent technology needs in the areas of hazardous waste incineration , hospital wastewater disinfection , brownfield remediation , and environmental protection systems for ports and harbors 此外,當地的環保機構認為中國在有害固廢的焚燒處理,醫療廢棄物的消毒凈化處理,整治紅土,港口和碼頭的環保系統方面的技術非常匱乏。

Issues and data sources for identifying brownfield sites and other environmental risks are presented along with a simple framework for conducting an economic base analysis 我們將提出識別棕地地點與其它環境風險議題和數據,以及一個用于經濟基礎分析的簡單架構。

Instructions for the auto industry “ brownfield “ transformation simulation 汽車工業?置廠房轉型模擬之指南