
brow n.1.〔常 pl. 〕眉,眉毛。2.額。3.容貌;表情...

“this is a very obtrusive lad! “said mr. gradgrind, turning, and knitting his brows on him . “這真是一個非常冒失的孩子,”葛擂硬先生轉過身來向他皺著眉頭說。

“there may be another reason for his thrift,“ said diomed, raising his brows . “他那么小氣可能還有個原因,”狄俄墨德眉頭一揚,說道。

brow ache

His father paused and looked backthe harsh level stare beneath the shaggy, graying, irascible brows . 父親停了下來,回過頭去在那灰白而又易怒的兩道濃眉下面,一雙嚴厲的眼睛直盯看他。

She lay in bed, white, with terror-filled eyes, her lips set and a little vertical line between the brows . 她躺在床上,臉色慘白,眼里充滿恐怖,雙唇不動,雙眉間有一道豎著的細細的皺紋。

I have not scraped a couple of millions together by the sweat of my brow to chuck at the feet of my father's creditors . 我流了汗掙來不到兩百萬的錢,不是預備送給我父親的債主的。

He was very like his son in face, only his brow was lower and narrower, and his mouth rather wider . 他的面貌很象他的兒子,只是他的前額低一些,窄一些,他的嘴稍微闊一些。

Davidson's brow lowered, and he protruded his firm chin. he looked fierce and determined . 戴維遜緊鎖雙眉,伸出他那堅定的下巴,一副殺氣騰騰、堅定不移的樣子。

“this is a very obtrusive lad! “said mr. gradgrind, turning, and knitting his brows on him . “這真是一個非常冒失的孩子,”葛擂硬先生轉過身來向他皺著眉頭說。

Nothing can embellish a beautiful face more than a narrow band drawn over the brow . 除了一條橫束額上的細帶而外,沒有別的東西能把美麗的面龐襯托得更好的了。

The elderly white-haired officer had the gnarled and menacing brow and blazing, powerful eyes . 這位白發軍官雙目炯炯有神,眉宇間露出一副執拗的兇相。

He met the survey of apacides with a steady eye, and a brow of serene and open candour . 他用堅定的目光和安祥坦率的神情回報了阿帕喀得斯的注視。

Mr. xia seemed to understand, for he sat down again, put up his hand to his brow . 夏先生的心頭似乎還清楚,他重新坐下,把一只手按在額角上。

When she made remarks to this edifying effect, she had a firm little frown on her brow . 每逢她談到這些發人深省的話,眉頭便不由得皺了起來。

“there may be another reason for his thrift,“ said diomed, raising his brows . “他那么小氣可能還有個原因,”狄俄墨德眉頭一揚,說道。

His brow clouded, and he set his teeth with rage when he read her letter . 當他看她的信的時候,他皺起了眉頭,恨恨地咬緊了他的牙齒。

Now the eyes under their bushy gray brows had that sly look again . 現在那一雙在濃重的灰眉毛下面的眼睛又發出了那種詭秘的表情。

The air that came fragrantly to his brow revived his languid senses . 芳香的微風吹拂著他的額頭,重振了他那疲憊的精神。

Sir daniel opened the packet, and as he read his brow darkened . 但尼爾爵士拆開信封,念著,念著,臉色馬上陰沉了下來。

It was simply a finely formed, square, smooth young brow . 這只不過是一個形狀優美,方方正正,光光滑滑的年輕人的額頭。