
brouhaha n.〔法語〕1.騷動,吵鬧,暴動〔由較大事件引起的〕。2...


In all the brouhaha about teenagers we are inclined to forget , it seems to me , that they are primarily reflections of us , our foibles and fumblings and aspirations , our fears and frustrations , our hopes and our beliefs 在對于青少年的紛紛議論中,我認為我們似乎忘記了,他們基本上是我們的影子;反映出我們的弱點、失誤和理想,反映出我們的恐懼和失敗,也反映我們的希望和信仰。

In january 2005 then - harvard president lawrence summers caused a brouhaha when he publicly suggested that women are naturally perhaps genetically less inclined than men to seek scientific careers 2005年,當時的哈佛大學校長勞倫斯。薩默斯宣稱這是因為男性和女性“內在智能的本質不同” 。

Nevertheless , considering the brouhaha that surrounds genetic engineering , synthetic biology has stirred up surprisingly little wider debate 不過比起基因工程引發的諸多爭議,生物合成造成的動響要輕微許多。

That is why traditional allergists believe that all the brouhaha over food allergies is unwarranted 粉塵螨和戶塵螨是兩種最常見的過敏源,絕大多數過敏體質的人都對這兩項有反應。

Has it occurred to you that our present gm brouhaha may be a terrible case of crying wolf 我們今天關于轉基因的爭吵,將會變成一個可怕的“狼來了”的故事,這會發生嗎?

Is all this brouhaha justified 所有這些過度興奮的情緒正常嗎?

Is all this brouhaha justified 所有這些過度興奮的情緒有根據嗎?