
brougham n.1.四輪轎式馬車。2.〔廢語〕布魯姆式汽車。


I recalled having come across marguerite very frequently on the champs - elysees , where she appeared assiduously each day in a small blue brougham drawn by two magnificent bays , and i remembered having also remarked in her at that time an air of distinction rare in women of her kind and which was further enhanced by her truly exceptional beauty 記得我過去經常在香榭麗舍大街遇到瑪格麗特,她坐著一輛由兩匹栗色駿馬駕著的藍色四輪轎式小馬車,每天一準來到那兒。她身上有一種不同于她那一類人的氣質,而她那風致韻絕的姿色,又更襯托出了這種氣質的與眾不同。

It was five o clock , and along the silent pavements in the quiet , aristocratic shelter of the tall white houses were drawn up the broughams of stock - exchange people and merchants , while men walked hastily about , looking up at the windows , where women in dressing jackets seemed to be awaiting them 已經是下午五點鐘了,她們沿著不見行人的人行道走著,道路旁全是高大的白色房屋,非常寧靜,充滿貴族氣派。街上停放著一輛輛交易所投機家和商賈的雙座四輪轎式馬車,一些男人來去匆匆,一邊舉目向窗戶里張望,身著晨衣的女人佇立在窗口,仿佛在等待什么人。

Men for the most part , but also a number of ladies who , though dressed in velvet and wearing indian shawls , and all with their own elegant broughams standing at the door , were examining the riches set out before them with astonished , even admiring eyes 雖然這些女賓穿的是天鵝絨服裝,披的是開司米披肩,大門口還有華麗的四輪轎式馬車在恭候,卻都帶著驚訝甚至贊賞的眼神注視著展現在她們眼前的豪華陳設。

Is not only an english learning magazine but also a magazine filled with unique knowledge to help businesspeople broaden their horizons . articles within are carefully chosen with particular care by the founder dr . brougham and teachers working at 2001年創刊的彭蒙惠英語advanced榮獲93年金鼎獎,不只是一本英語學習雜志,更是商界人士拓展國際視野的一本知識雜志。

In 1994 , she established the doris brougham scholarship to provide financial assistance to high school students with good grades in english , as well as college and graduate students majoring in english or mass communications 除了空中英語教室,彭老師亦曾于大專院校、私人企業與政府機關教授英語,她生活、趣味而人性的教學方式,至今仍為學生們津津樂道。

Mrs bellingham in cap and seal coneymantle , wrapped up to the nose , steps out of her brougham and scans through tortoiseshell quizzingglasses which she takes from inside her huge opossum muff 布盧姆緊緊摟住她,并生下八個黃種和白種男娃。

Under dr . brougham s careful administration , the teaching staff produced jeff and jenny s world with particular care 空中英語教室老師群全力制作,彭蒙惠博士嚴格監制,品質與專業度值得信賴。

Marguerite s brougham was waiting at her door ; i headed in the direction of the champs - elysees 瑪格麗特的馬車停在門口等她我向香榭麗舍大街那邊走去。

She stepped down from her brougham and looked around as though she were watching out for someone 她從馬車上下來,一面環顧四周,好像在找什么人似的。

About midnight , a brougham , which was all too familiar , pulled up near number 9 將近午夜,一輛我非常熟悉的馬車在九號門前停了下來。

How is it that prudence hasn t returned your brougham “普律當絲怎么不把你的馬車送回來? ”

What sort of carriage ? a gentleman s brougham “一輛私人四輪轎式馬車。 ”

Then there had been the pleasurable excitement of choosing a showy grey stepper for may's brougham . 后來為了給梅的馬車選一匹體面的灰色快馬,他愉快地激動了一陣。

She watched us with a sardonic eye as we stepped from the brougham . 她用一種蔑視的眼光瞧著我們從四輪馬車里下來。