
brotherly adj.弟兄的,親弟兄似的,友情深厚的。 brother...

“ who had been his companion in misfortune , but had been released from prison during the second restoration , was possessed of a diamond of immense value ; this jewel he bestowed on dant s upon himself quitting the prison , as a mark of his gratitude for the kindness and brotherly care with which dant 這位英國富翁有一顆很值錢的鉆石,在出獄的時候,他把這顆鉆石送給了唐太斯,作為一種感謝的紀念,以報答他兄弟般的照顧,因為有一次他生了重病,唐太斯曾盡心看護過他。

State property ii “ is the tale of three notorious gangsters , and their bloody battle for supremacy in the city of brotherly love 講述三個古惑仔在費城爭奪地盤的故事,其中在城市里的愛情紛爭。


Rostov too , like the german , waved his cap over his bead , and laughing cried : and hurrah for all the world ! though there was no reason for any special rejoicing either for the german , clearing out his shed , or for rostov , coming back from foraging for hay , both these persons gazed at one another in delighted ecstasy and brotherly love , wagged their heads at each other in token of their mutual affection , and parted with smiles , the german to his cowshed , and rostov to the cottage he shared with denisov 無論是這個清掃牛欄的德國人,還是那個隨同一排人來領干草的羅斯托夫,都沒有任何理由值得特別高興,但是這兩個人都心懷幸福的歡樂和兄弟般的愛心彼此望了一眼,晃了晃腦袋表示彼此之間的友愛,他們面露微笑地走開了,德國人走回牛欄,羅斯托夫走進他和杰尼索夫一同占用的農舍。

“ who had been his companion in misfortune , but had been released from prison during the second restoration , was possessed of a diamond of immense value ; this jewel he bestowed on dant s upon himself quitting the prison , as a mark of his gratitude for the kindness and brotherly care with which dant 這位英國富翁有一顆很值錢的鉆石,在出獄的時候,他把這顆鉆石送給了唐太斯,作為一種感謝的紀念,以報答他兄弟般的照顧,因為有一次他生了重病,唐太斯曾盡心看護過他。

It was pretty ornery preaching - all about brotherly love , and such - like tiresomeness ; but everybody said it was a good sermon , and they all talked it over going home , and had such a powerful lot to say about faith and good works and free grace and preforeordestination , and i don t know what all , that it did seem to me to be one of the roughest sundays i had run across yet 布講的道,說的沒有什么意思盡是兄弟般的愛這類叫人聽了厭煩的話,可是人家一個個都說布道布得好,回家的一路之上說個不停,大談什么信仰啦,積德啦,普濟眾生啦,前世注定的天命啦,等等的,叫我說也說不清還有些什么。總之,在我看來,這可說是我一生中最難受的星期天啦。

At the end of the letter she informed him that in a day or two she would arrive in petersburg from abroad . the letter was followed up by one of the freemasons whom pierre respected least bursting in upon his solitude . turning the conversation upon pierres matrimonial affairs , he gave him , by way of brotherly counsel , his opinion that his severity to his wife was wrong , and that pierre was departing from the first principles of freemasonry in not forgiving the penitent 緊跟著妻子的來信,有個最不受皮埃爾尊敬的共濟會的同參闖進了他的僻靜的地方,這個人談到皮埃爾的夫妻關系,表述了自己的看法,他以此作為師兄弟的忠告,這個人說到皮埃爾對他妻子的苛刻態度是不合理的,皮埃爾不肯寬容悔改的妻子,他就背離了共濟會的首要規則。

One thing , and one thing only , pierre thoroughly understood in reading that book ; he understood what he had hitherto known nothing of , all the bliss of believing in the possibility of attaining perfection , and in the possibility of brotherly and active love between men , revealed to him by osip alexyevitch 皮埃爾閱讀這部書時,他再三地領悟到的只有這么一點,領會到他尚未體驗到的樂趣:深信人們有可能臻達盡善盡美的境地,人們有可能實現堅貞不移的博愛,這是奧西普阿列克謝耶維奇向他揭示的道理。

In group meditation , we all prayed for the success of this lecture tour , hoping that it would instill more wisdom and love in the hearts of the european people , so that they could see each other as god and thereby help to restore a peaceful and brotherly atmosphere in europe 蒙特利爾小中心的同修在共修時祈禱師父弘法成功,愿此次弘法能為歐洲人民的心中帶來愛與智慧,彼此看待如同上帝一般,讓歐洲大陸回復和平與手足之誼的友好氣氛中!

Li han - hsiang and king hu belonged to the same generation of filmmakers , and became buddies in the 1950s , when both were still down and out . they formed a brotherly alliance with other film veterans , feng yi , chiang kuang - chao , ma li , shen zhong , and sung chuen - sau , and called themselves the seven idlers 李翰祥胡金銓同輩,兩人相識于微時,五十年代曾與馮毅蔣光超馬力沈重宋存壽等結拜為兄弟,戲稱七大閑。

In 1998 , so did her brotherly company zhongfu metallic products co . , ltd . . after years of development , the plant area has grown from 3000 square metres to 68600 square metres and the number of employee has increased from 60 to 3000 currently 憑著優質的服務和良好的信譽,公司規模穩步發展,廠房面積由3000平方米擴展到68600平方米,員工人數也由初期的60人增加到現今的3000多人。

Do not try to assist self , but rather smile upon those that are downhearted and sad ; lift the load from those that find theirs too heavy to bear , in gentleness , in kindness , in long - suffering , in patience , in mercy , in brotherly love 不要試圖協助自我,而是以溫柔、善良、忍受、耐心、憐憫和兄弟之愛的態度,對那些灰心、沮喪的人微笑,幫助那些負荷太重的分擔一些。

The twins were now playing in the most approved brotherly fashion , till at last master jacky who was really as bold as brass there was no getting behind that deliberately kicked the ball as hard as ever he could down towards the seaweedy rocks 現在這對雙生兄弟無比和睦地玩耍著,接著,魯莽到了家的杰基公子故意使出吃奶的力氣把球猛地朝著覆滿海藻的巖石踢去。

He has also brotherly pride , which with some brotherly affection , makes him a very kind and careful guardian of his sister ; and you will hear him generally cried up as the most attentive and best of brothers . 他還具有做哥哥身份的驕傲,這種驕傲,再加上一些手足的情份,使他成了他妹妹的親切而細心的保護人你自會聽到大家都一致贊他是位體貼入微的最好哥哥。 ”

The dramatic ups and downs of sino - indian brotherly friendship during the nehru era provided experiences and lessons for the contemporary and future china - indian relations from the angle of the change of international relations 尼赫魯時代中印“兄弟”情誼的大起大落,從國際關系演化變遷的視角,為當代和未來中印關系提供了值得反思和借鑒的經驗與教訓。

In addition , all the participants , initiates and guests alike , were elevated by the warm energy from master that permeated the event and raised the vibration , creating a strong feeling of oneness and brotherly love 在師父愛力的加持下,與會來賓與同修的靈性都被提升,手足之愛與同一體的感覺油然而生。

Walk him up and down , my dear fellow , he said , with that gay and brotherly cordiality with which good - hearted young people behave to every one , when they are happy 他說道,一面流露著親切的愉快而溫和的神態,凡是善良的年輕人在那幸福的時候都會帶著這種神態和人們打交道的。

Without brotherly sister ( include brethren , follow , raise brotherly sister ) singleton , only daughter perhaps adopts lawfully raise children to be a singleton alone female 無兄弟姐妹(包括同胞、繼、養兄弟姐妹)的獨生子、獨生女或者依法收養的獨養子女為獨生子女。

As one community let us pray to the lord . as one community , all together without distinction of class , free from enmity , all united in brotherly love , let us pray , thought natasha “讓我們全體在一起,不分等級,沒有仇恨,以兄弟般的愛連結在一起向主禱告吧。 ”

The violent ups and downs of sino - indian brotherly friendship were shaped by many factors , the most important was the change of international relations 尼赫魯時代中印“兄弟”情誼的大起大落與許多因素相關,國際關系的演化變遷即是其中的重要因素。