
broth n.(pl. broths ) 肉汁;肉湯;清湯;培養基...


Purification and reclamation of pentose from biomass hydrolization fermentation broth 生物質水解發酵廢液中五碳糖的凈化和回收

The garoupa is steamed with a broth that itself takes eight hours to prepare 個小時的老雞火腿上湯,更大大提升了魚的鮮味。

Save your chicken and beef bones and vegetable tops and make you own broth 把雞骨頭、牛骨、蔬菜葉保存好,自己制作肉湯吧。

Tryptic soy broth 胰酶大豆肉湯211825

Clinic observations of acute brain infarction treated by shenjin quyu broth 伸筋祛瘀湯為主治療急性腦梗塞45例臨床觀察45

Too many cooks spoil tbe broth 人多手腳亂

Yes ! this really broth me 這正是我心煩的事

Water , light tea , milk , soy milk , broth , fresh fruit or vegetable juices 水、清茶、奶、豆漿、清湯、鮮果汁或蔬菜汁。

Lactose broth lactose broth 乳糖肉湯211835

Edie simmins said she cooked the meat the other night in chicken broth 伊迪?西敏斯說過,前兩天晚上她曾用雞湯燉肉。

I like the broth he cooks 我喜歡他做的肉湯。

Not slops , sir . broth 不是流食,先生,是肉湯

Mwco of membrane used in ultrafiltration of penicillin fermentation broth 青霉素發酵液超濾用膜的切割相對分子質量

It has a good broth flavor 肉湯香料嘗起來不錯

Tryptic trypticase soy broth 胰酶大豆肉湯211825

Too many cooks spoil the broth 廚師太多燒壞湯。

Too many cooks spoil the broth 人多手雜反誤事。

Analysis and preventive measure of fermentation broth deterioration of rice wine 黃酒醪酸敗原因分析及預防措施

Too many cooks spoil the broth soup 廚師多了難燒湯