
brolly n.1.〔口語〕洋傘。2.〔英俚〕降落傘。


Against the orders of her superior , kraven shane brolly , who is obsessively in love with selene , she awakens the most powerful vampire of all time , viktor bill nighy and prepares for a massive feud against lycan leader lucian michael sheen 雙方爭斗了數個世紀,直至令狼人聞風喪膽的吸血鬼女戰士姬蒂碧潔仙愛上一名愛好和平的次生狼人史葛史畢曼,世界平衡的力量遭到徹底破壞

The singer , 44 , wore a bandage over his hooter and had a minder carry the brolly during a visit to a las vegas museum 這位44歲的巨星在參觀拉斯維加斯博物館時,鼻子由繃帶纏繞,一名助手則為他撐著傘。

Any brollies or gumboots in the family ? where the henry nevil s sawbones and ole clo 給亨利內維爾313瞧過病的穿舊衣的外科醫生在哪兒?

Female artist brolly , shane 女藝人珊寶莉

Artist name : brolly , shane 藝人名稱:珊寶莉