
british adj.1.不列顛的,英國的。2.不列顛人的,英國人的。...

british academy

He went to a british doctor, who scolded him sharply . 他去看的是一位英國醫生,他狠狠地奚落了他一番。

The british government felt the whole business wasn't quite cricket . 英國政府感到這件事是不公平的。

British air experience at that time was far greater than ours . 那時英國的空中經驗遠較我們為豐富。

Those advisers who aren't jewish are of british descent . 那幾個顧問除了猶太人,就是有英國血統的。

You british aren't that hard up for meat yet, are you ? 你們英國人缺肉不至于缺到那種程度吧,對嗎?

The value of the british pound is less than it was 100 years ago . 現在英鎊的價值比一百年前的低。

How did yon find business conditions in british columbia ? 你認為不列顛哥倫比亞的生意情況怎么樣?

A british salvage company has located a russian wreck . 一家英國的打撈公司找到了一條俄國的沉船。

Taxes must come down to give the british working men some incentive . 減低稅收,以刺激英國工人。

Successive british governments had found the islands a headache . 英國歷屆政府都對該島感到頭疼。

The british were constantly increasing their cipher security . 英國人不斷地加強密碼的保密措施。

Dollars had been steadily flooding into the british war chest . 美元不斷作為戰爭基金涌進英國。

He has just published his observations on british bird life . 他剛發表了英國鳥類生活觀察報告。

We must secure from the british unequivocal reaffirmation . 我們必須從英國取得無歧異的再確認。

The british air fighting force is called the royal air force . 英國的空軍部隊被稱作皇家空軍。

The americans look at life differently from the british . 美國人對生活的看法,與英國人不同。

Drinking tea at 4 p.m. . is a popular british institution . 下午4點鐘吃茶點是流行英國風俗。

The british drive on the left, the french drive on the right . 英國人行車靠左,法國人靠右。

The british government were in a dilemma from the beginning . 英國政府從一開始就左右為難。