
bride n.1.新娘;即將出嫁的女子。2.〔英俚〕十多歲的姑娘。...

“nevertheless,“ said joanna, “i wish i had something, for the bride who brings her husband nothing may not please his friends. “ “但是,”喬安娜說,“我希望我有點東西。因為,要是新娘什么東西都不給她丈夫,他的朋友會不高興的。”


. . . but tragedy snatched my young bride away 不幸的是一場變故奪走了我年輕的太太

To sleep with the bride on the wedding night 享有和臣子的新娘過夜的“初夜權”

The shadow of the legend of the brides ninjas games 影子的傳說之忍者新娘小游戲

He proposed a toast to both the bride and bridegroom 他提議為新娘和新郎干杯。

But i ' ve got some urgent business with the bride 但是我有一些緊急的事要找新娘。

She ordered us to find your bride by next month 她命令我們在下個月前給你找個新娘

Traditionally a bride wears a white wedding gown 傳統上,新娘要穿白色的婚紗。

The bride said sorry to the groom and ran away 新娘對新郎說了聲抱歉就跑掉了

The bride ' s shoes are white silk or satin 新娘的鞋子是白色的,絲綢或緞子做的。

To the house of mickey rooney and his new bride .到米基魯尼和他的新娘那里做客

Let ' s drink ( a toast ) to the bride and bridegroom 讓我們舉杯向新娘和新郎祝賀

The poor bride is abandoned again at the church 可憐的新娘又一次被拋棄在教堂!

Until the end we will defend our one and only bride 誓死護衛到底我們唯一的新娘

“nevertheless,“ said joanna, “i wish i had something, for the bride who brings her husband nothing may not please his friends. “ “但是,”喬安娜說,“我希望我有點東西。因為,要是新娘什么東西都不給她丈夫,他的朋友會不高興的。”

It seemed to her very proper that mr. townsend's destined bride should wish to embellish her mind by a foreign tour . 她覺得湯森德先生的未婚妻通過海外觀光來陶冶心情的做法是十分妥當的。

By the time he returned home, he and the young bride were like strangers: typical casualties of the war . 回國后,他發現自己同年輕的妻子就像一對陌生人似的,這明顯是戰爭帶來的惡果。

She was surprised to find that the bride had changed her slippers for heavy shoes and was pinning up her skirts . 她吃驚地發現新娘已經脫下拖鞋,換上了沉重的靴子,正在系裙子。

At the wedding party , the bride and the bridegroom expressed that they would live in harmony and mutual respect and grow old together . 新娘和新郎表示要互敬互愛,白頭偕老。