
bribery n.1.行賄,收買。2.受賄。短語和例子commit b...


A former senior credit manager of a bank , wanted by the icac , voluntarily returned from canada to hong kong to face bribery charges in relation to a 460 million letters of credit scam 一名銀行前高級授信經理,涉嫌收受利益,批出約四億六千萬港元信用狀貸款,被廉政公署通緝多年,疑犯其后同意免卻引渡程序,自愿由加拿大回港接受起訴。

It is definitely regulated by law that trying to obtain advantages for others is a prerequisite of accepting type bribery crime although the arguments about the character of this item have never stopped in academic circles 然而,盡管我國現行刑法做出了明確的規定,但是學界對“為他人謀取利益”這一要件的性質仍然存在很大的爭議。

The court of final appeal unanimously dismissed the appeals of a senior superintendent of police and a businesswoman convicted in a bribery trial , and were immediately sent to jail to serve their remaining prison terms 終審法院一致駁回一名高級警司及一名女商人的上訴。兩人于審終法院宣布裁決后,即時被送入獄服馀下的刑期。

Four persons , including three artisans of the food and environmental hygiene department and a funeral service agent , had been arrested for alleged bribery in relation to cremation services at fu shan crematorium 廉政公署拘捕四名人士,包括三名食物環境衛生署技工,懷疑他們涉嫌在富山火葬場收取殯儀經紀賄款,以安排火葬服務。

After an overview of the present situation , features and harm of bribery at an election , this article emphasizes on analysizing causes of this phenomena and pursuing ways to overcome it 接著,在對賄選現象的現狀、特點和危害進行簡單的描述之后,文章著力于賄選現象產生的原因探折和賄選現象的遏制思考。

Although all the theories above have their own advantages , defects still exist . they should reasonably be further remedied in theory . bribery , ruled by the relevant stipulations from article 8 of “ u . n 以上這些通說雖然各有各的優勢,但卻仍然存在著各自的缺陷,亟需在理論上進一步給予合理解決。

Two company directors , who were toy sourcing agents of a subsidiary of the british broadcasting corporation , were charged for an alleged bribery scam over the placing of purchase orders for toys 廉政公署落案起訴兩名公司董事,懷疑他們在代英國廣播公司附屬機構批出玩具產品訂單時曾收受利益。

1 not paying a bribe in connection with the transaction for which advocacy is sought , and maintaining and enforcing a policy prohibiting the bribery of foreign officials 我們必能建立起太平洋的未來,其規模不下于連系我們兩岸的這一大片水域。讓我們祈禱能有智慧、勇氣和毅力來完成這項使命。

The two former bank employees were each sentenced to two months imprisonment for their roles in the bribery scam , while the former counter service assistant had her jail term suspended for two years 該兩名前銀行職員參與有關勾當,各被判入獄兩個月,而該名前柜臺服務助理則獲判緩刑兩年。

Mao accepts the case . song is called as witness . tian , gu and liu are all convicted of malpractice and bribery , while tian s sister and brother - in - law are sentenced to death 楊春又去巡按毛朋處上告,毛朋接狀,宋士杰作證,田、顧、劉均以違法失職問罪,判田氏夫婦死罪,為素貞申了冤。

Fix , it must be confessed , understood nothing of what was going on . the conquest of the henrietta , the bribery of the crew , fogg managing the boat like a skilled seaman , amazed and confused him 亨利埃塔號被強奪了,船上的船員被收買了,這個福克在船上干起活來完全象是個老水手。

Speech by the chief secretary for administration , mrs anson chan , in moving the third reading of the prevention of bribery ( amendment ) bill 1999 in the legislative council on june 2 , 1999 政務司司長陳方安生在香港警務處顧客服務改善推展計劃啟用典禮上的致辭全文(六月三日)

Heshe will also be subject to the sfc s internal code of conduct which sets out the requirements on confidentiality , conflict of interests , personal investments and prevention of bribery 他亦須遵守證監會內部操守準則就資料保密、避免利益沖突、防止貪?及個人投資所作的規定。

Suggestions on the promotion of integrity in the civil service or questions or clarification on the anti - bribery legislation and the related civil service regulations are welcome 歡迎各位投稿,內容可包括有關如何推廣公務員誠信的建議,或對反貪法例及公務員事務規例的疑問等。

He she will also be subject to the sfc s internal code of conduct which sets out the requirements on confidentiality , conflict of interests , personal investments and prevention of bribery 他亦須遵守證監會內部操守準則就資料保密、避免利益沖突、防止貪?及個人投資所作的規定。

Speech by the chief secretary for administration , mrs anson chan , in moving the third reading of the prevention of bribery amendment bill 1999 in the legislative council on june 2 , 1999 政務司司長陳方安生在香港警務處顧客服務改善推展計劃啟用典禮上的致辭全文六月三日

Three artisans of the food and environmental hygiene department were charged for alleged bribery in relation to cremation services at fu shan crematorium 廉政公署落案起訴三名食物環境衛生署技工,控告他們涉嫌收受殯儀館經紀的賄款,以協助及加快在富山火葬場火化遺體。

A former purchasing manager of a german company was charged for alleged bribery in relation to purchase orders of making moulds for manufacturing automobile parts 廉政公署落案起訴一名德國公司前采購經理,控告他涉嫌索取及收受利益,批出制造汽車零件鑄模的訂單。

Avoid using bribery when asking your child to put his toys away . instead , let him know that the toys belong to him and therefore are his responsibility 要孩子收拾玩具,不應以利益交換為由來利誘,要教育孩子玩具是屬于他自己的東西,需學習自理愛惜。