
breeze n.1.微風;柔風,和風。2.〔俚語〕吵鬧,小風波,小紛...


The dew fell, but with propitious softness; no breeze whispered . 露水降落,可是帶著慈祥的溫柔;沒有微風在低語。

The night breeze brought him the perfume of the general's cigarette . 柔和的晚風帶來了將軍吸煙發出的陣陣香味。

The tide was in and there was good breeze and a surf on the beach . 漲潮了,涼風習習,海灘上出現一道道浪花。

Before cowperwood reappeared, tollifer breezed in . 在柯柏烏還沒有再出現之前,都力弗匆匆忙忙地闖了進來。

The breeze was lively . 微風習習。

The sun was hot now although the breeze was rising gently . 雖然風在緩慢地飄起,現在太陽已經灼熱了。

The feather fan was only powerful against the summer breezes . 羽毛扇只是在夏日的微風中才有所作為。

It'll be a breeze . 那是一件容易的事。

The breeze was steady . 風在不住地吹。

A gentle breeze is blowing . 微風習習。

The breeze kissed the face . 輕風拂面。

A breeze caresses the cheeks . 微風拂面。

Over it all hangs the torpid sullen breeze of may . 但是無論哪里都躲不過那欲吹無力的五月的風。

A cool breeze brushed my face . 涼風掠面。

The breeze has died away . 微風漸漸止住了。

The willows dance in the breeze . 楊柳婆娑。

He breezes through life , never worrying about anything . 他生活一帆風順,什么事也不用操心。

When the breeze fell it would be cool from the sea . 即使風停了,海邊的涼意也會陣陣襲來。

Green pines laugh in the breeze . 青松迎風歡笑。