
breen n.褐綠色。adj.褐綠色的。


And begob what was it only that bloody old pantaloon denis breen in his bath slippers with two bloody big books tucked under his oxter and the wife hotfoot after him , unfortunate wretched woman trotting like a poodle 他趿拉著洗澡穿的拖鞋,腋下夾著兩部該死的大書。他老婆-一個倒楣可憐的女人-像鬈毛狗那樣邁著碎步,緊趕慢趕地跟在后面。

Denis breen with his tomes , weary of having waited an hour in john henry menton s office , led his wife over o connell bridge , bound for the office of messrs collis and ward 丹尼斯布林夾著他那兩部大書,在約翰亨利門頓的事務所等了一個小時。然后膩煩了,就帶著妻子踱過奧康內爾橋,直奔考立斯沃德法律事務所。

Dennis breen , whitetallhatted , with wisdom hely s sandwich board , shuffles past them in cadet slippers , his dull beard thrust out , muttering to right and left 丹尼斯布林頭戴白色大禮帽,前后胸掛著威茲德姆希利的廣告牌,吸拉著氈拖鞋,從他們身邊磨蹭著踱過去。

Breen , says alf . he was in john henry menton s and then he went round to collis and ward s and then tom rochford met him and sent him round to the subsheriff s for a lark “布林, ”阿爾夫說, “他起先在約翰亨利門頓那里,接著又繞到考立斯-沃德事務所去。

Cruelty to animals so it is to let that bloody povertystricken breen out on grass with his beard out tripping him , bringing down the rain 將該死的窮鬼布林撒到野外,幾乎能被自己的胡子絆倒。老天爺看了都會哭上一場。殘酷得就跟虐待動物一樣。

Mrs breen in man s frieze overcoat with loose bellows pockets , stands in the causeway , her roguish eyes wideopen , smiling in all her herbivorous buckteeth 一起低下頭去表示同意我們大多認為大概是這么回事。

Did the special force arrest the high officials ( for example dr . breen ) instead of kill them like the other personnels 軍隊在黑山的軍事行動中,除了屠殺黑山基地人員外,是否逮捕了而沒有殺掉黑山的高層人員?

22 breen c , khan l , ponnusamy a , wang l . ontology - based image classification using neural networks . in proc 建立的本體包括藝術圖像各個方面的語義概念從而可使用戶從各個角度查找需要的視覺信息。

Mrs breen in smart saxe tailormade , white velours hat and spider veil . leopardstown . bloom i mean , leopardstown 穿一身定做的款式新穎的薩克森藍衣衫,頭戴白絲絨帽,臉上蒙著蛛網狀面紗。

Denis breen in skimpy frockcoat and blue canvas shoes shuffled out of harrison s hugging two heavy tomes to his ribs 像往常一樣,仿佛是一陣風把他從海灣刮來的似的。

Diddlediddle . . . - sad to lose the old friends , mrs breen s womaneyes said melancholily “老朋友死了真令人傷心, ”布林太太說,她那女性的眼睛里露出悲愴的神色。

Mrs breen you were the lion of the night with your seriocomic recitation and you looked the part 那天晚上你可是明星,表演半滑稽的朗誦,演得維妙維肖。

My guest is a dear friend to our church , he is a pastor ; his name is mike breen 今天的嘉賓是我們教會的好朋友,他是一位牧師,他名叫卞邁克。

Mrs breen mr 這位先生是

Mrs breen mr bloom 布盧姆先生!

Gary breen wolves 10 比連狼隊10

Mrs breen her pulpy tongue between her lips , offers a pigeon kiss . hnhn 從嘴唇問伸出果肉般的舌頭,想要給他個鴿吻哼。

O dear me , mrs breen said , i hope it wasn t any near relation “噯呀媽呀! ”布林太太說, “我希望總不是什么近親。 ”

Bloom walks on with mrs breen 你在找什么人嗎?