
breccia n.【地質學;地理學】(斷層)角礫巖。


The paper not only studies the mircostructure , malcrostracture features of ore - controlling fault system and kinemafic analysis but also deeply states the breccia pipe structure . lt considers that yinshan lead - zinc deposit is controlled by three - level structure condition . the ne - trending left - laterl structure movement is mainly controlling factor 在野外調查基礎上結合實驗測試,對礦床的礦體、礦石、礦床成因等特征進行了研究,深化了礦床多階段多期次復合成因的認識,發現了含礦斑巖體。

The hydrothermal breccia and karst in the beiya area are divided into 4 types and zones , including : sedimentary tuff and breccia induced by hydrothermal explosion and sedimentation on land surface ; hydrothermal sedimentary conglomerate and gas - explosive ejecting breccia related to sedimentation in and collapsing of some shallow karst caves ; netted hydotherma1 limcstone breccia and hydrothermal explosive breccia pipe related to hydrofracturing , corrosion and explosion in the hydrothermal channels ; and yellow granular limestone formed by simmering and alteration in the deep heated water reservoir 北衙地區熱水角礫巖和熱水巖溶可分為4種類型和層次,即地表相爆發沉積作用形成的沉積凝灰角礫巖、熱水沉積鮞狀灰巖與鈣華膠結角礫巖;與近地表洞穴沉積和垮塌作用有關的熱水沉積礫巖和汽爆射流角礫巖;與熱水通道相蝕裂和爆破角礫化作用有關的網絡狀灰巖角礫巖筒和熱水隱爆角礫巖筒;深部相熱水浸煮蝕變灰巖。

During the process of studying tectonic origin of gold - bearing breccia bodies in the shuangwang gold deposit , shanxi province , the author apply several modern tectonics theories , such as hydrofracturing , fluid dynamic breccia , tectonic pumping , deformation partitioning , embryonic fracture etc . the paper presents an kind of new model for the formation of hydrofracturing breccia - type metallotectonic , which is one of fracture - vein - breccia series metallotectonics concerning fluid , by deformation partitioning , embryonic fracture , hydrofracturing and rupture - healing 本文所探討的陜西雙王含金角礫巖體的構造成因研究運用了水力壓裂作用、流體動力角礫巖、流體泵吸作用、變形分解作用和雛形斷裂理論等幾個現代構造地質理論,提出了變形分解作用?雛形斷裂作用?水力壓裂作用?裂開愈合作用四位一體的水壓角礫巖型咸礦構造模型,是與流體動力作用有關的裂隙?脈?角礫巖系成礦構造的一種新的模式。

The early coaxial progressive depressing makes the forming of tectonic lens in the competent rich - sodic and incompetent rich - mud rocks ; the later nocoaxial progressive shearing makes the tectonic compression fracture into extension fracture in the early tectonic lens , at the same time , the great drop of pressure leads to the hydrofractureing of deep fluid along the fracture in the rich - sodic rocks , and then produces the hydrofracturing breccia 早期共軸遞進擠壓使能干性的富鈉質巖系與非能干性的富泥質巖系發生構造透鏡石香腸化;晚期的非共軸遞進剪切使早期在透鏡體中心形成的構造裂隙由剪性轉化?張性,并?生巨大的壓力降使深部的流體在富鈉質巖系中沿裂隙發生水力壓裂作用,從而形成雙王水力壓裂含角礫巖。

The hydrothermal limestone breccia sheet presented over tertiary fluvial , lacustrive sandstone and mud in the wandongshan - wulipai area is a hydrothermal breccia landslide from the chenjiazhuang breccia pipe , and it may be a domain origin which would have obstructed the jinshajiang old channel and made the jinshajiang river to change and to form the famous valley and turns 萬洞山五里排帶呈席狀覆蓋于第三系河湖相的砂礫巖和粘土沉積之上的灰巖質熱水角礫巖為一套從陳家莊角礫巖筒滑覆過來的熱水角礫巖滑體,其可能是造成金沙江古河道淤塞并使古金沙江改道和形成大拐彎的主要原因。

Abstract : to the principle and project that tu guangazhi proposed in 1990 , the gold ore deposits in qinling ( shaanxi ) may be classified into fouowing types : archean high - grade gneiss type , fine grained fragmental rock - carbonate rock - silicilith type , metamorphic fragmental rock type , volcanic rock type , explosive breccia type , intrusive rock exo - and endo - contact zone type . inthis paper , the geological characteristics , metallogenic geological setting , the source of ore - forming materials , digenic mechanism and metallogenetic epoch of gold ore deposits are also discussed 文摘:參照涂光熾先生( 1990 )提出的礦床類型劃分原則與金礦分類方案,將陜西秦嶺地區原生金礦劃分為太古界綠巖建造型、細碎屑巖-碳酸鹽巖-硅質巖建造型、變質碎屑巖型、火山巖建造型、隱爆角礫巖型和侵入巖內外接觸型金礦,并對各類型金礦的地質特征、成礦地質背景、成礦物質來源、礦床形成機制及形成時代等問題進行了論述和討論。

The cataclastic rocks appeared in the fault zone include structural lenticles , fault breccias , protocataclasite and cataclasite . the microscopical cataclastic deformation mechanisms involved are microcracking , frictional sliding and pressure - solution , but there might have had ductile deformation relating to dislocation sliding in feldspar and quartz of the plutons 斷裂帶內碎裂巖系列構造巖主要是碎裂化巖石(包括構造透鏡體和構造角礫巖) 、初碎裂巖和碎裂巖,顯微變形機制主要有破裂作用、摩擦滑動和壓溶作用。

Abstract : according to the composition , the thermal - water sedimentary rocks of yinmin formation in the dongchuang copper ore field can be divided into nine types , of which skarnoid , cupric magnetite carbonate , paracontemporaneous breccia formed in thermal water processing are confirmed and named in this study 文摘:東川銅礦田因民組熱水沉積巖根據主要成分可分為9大類,其中類夕卡巖、含銅磁鐵碳酸鹽巖、熱水膠結準同生角礫巖為本次研究確定和命名,其礦物組合、微量元素、稀土元素等地球化學特征表明:它們是海底火山噴流沉積作用的產物。

Sxotf is recognized in the northern qaidam based on the analysis of structures of area . this oblique trusting fault zone with northwestern - southeastern trending consists of fault gouge , fault breccia and fault cleavage . fault hanging wall consists of sertengshan - xitieshan napple , which is distribution in dextral en echelon . fault footwall consists of youcangshan formation in neogene 本文在對賽什騰? ?錫鐵山斜沖斷裂詳細地段構造解析的基礎上,結合盆地的沉積特征、地球物理資料等對該斜沖斷裂的幾何學、運動學及形成時代進行了研究,論文著重探討了賽什騰? ?錫鐵山斜沖斷裂的地質意義。

This thesis emphasizes to proceed the study on the mechanism of formation of the reservoirs of lower palaeozoic burial hills in the regions of zhuangxi and chengdao from the angle of geochemistry . the research of petrology reveal rock types of the regions mainly include carbonate rock , claystone , siltstone , breccia and a few of evaporite rock 巖石學研究表明,樁西、埕島地區下古生界古潛山儲層的巖石類型有碳酸鹽巖、粘土巖、碎屑巖、以及少量蒸發巖,其中碳酸鹽巖是該區下古生界古潛山儲層最主要的巖石類型,為一種穩定地臺型海相沉積環境的產物。

Primarily summerization on geological characteristics and new progress in scientific research of these deposits are given in this paper , the author proposes that mineralogenesis of mpcd type gold deposit is closely related to meso - neozoic volcanic - subvolcanic action ( cryptoexplosive breccia ) , tectonic movement and maturation of organic material 本人概略介紹了其礦床地質特征、研究現狀及其新進展,并明確提出了該類型金礦床的成礦與中新生代火山-次火山(隱爆角礫巖)作用、構造運動及有機質的作用息息相關。

Based on the geological feature of gold - bearing breccia bodies in the shuangwang gold deposit , shanxi province , author identified it to be hydrofracturing breccia bodies , are formed by hydrofracturing of the deep - seated gold - bearing and alkali - rich fluids in the devonian hydrothermal sodium - rich rock series 該水壓角礫巖體是深源富堿含金流體在泥盆系一套熱水沉積的富鈉質巖系中發生水力壓裂作用形成的。

Based on the derivation of metallogenic matters , mineralization and wallrock conditions , the gold deposits are subdivided into three main types : volcanic thermal type , subvolcanic rock - shallow to ultra - shallow porphyry thermal type , and concealed explosive breccia type of gold deposits 根據其金礦成礦物質來源、成礦作用及產出的圍巖條件可劃分為火山熱液型、次火山淺成斑巖熱液型和隱爆角礫巖型金礦床。

The wall rock of the mine is the third member of aqishan formation , which it is formed by the neutral - acidic volcanic rock and volcanic arenite of calcium - alkala series . the rock is mainly of andesite , quartz andesite , volcanic breccia agglomerate and volcanic breccia 礦床賦礦圍巖為阿奇山組第三巖性段鈣堿系列的中酸性火山巖-火山碎屑巖,主要巖性為安山巖、英安巖、火山角礫熔巖、火山角礫巖等。

In this article , technical transformation in longxin mining company adopted cip process instead of all - sliming cyanidation - zinc dust replacement method , fracture breccia ores are treated , and good technical economic indexes have been attained 摘要龍鑫礦業公司通過技術改造,采用炭漿法代替原有全泥氰化鋅粉置換工藝,處理破碎角礫礦石,取得了良好的技術指標和顯著經濟效益。

This paper reports the characteristics of hydrothermal breccia discovered recently , their hydrothermal karst as well as associated geological disasters in the beiya area , western yunnan province 摘要報道了滇西北衙地區新發現的熱水角礫巖及其顯示的熱水巖溶與伴生地質災害的特征。

The slumping event deposits were mainly breccia dolostone ( limestone ) while the turbidity current event deposits were turbidity grain limestone ( dolostone ) 其中滑塌事件的沉積產物主要為滑塌角礫白云巖(石灰巖) ,濁流事件的沉積產物主要為濁積顆粒石灰巖(白云巖) 。

The hydrofracturing breccia is formed by deep rich - sodic and gold - hosted fluid hydrofracturing in a set of devonian system hot - water sedimentary rich - sodic rocks 認為該水壓角礫巖體是深源富?含金流體在泥盆系一套熱水沉積的富鈉質巖系中發生水力壓裂作用形成的。

The buried gold - bearing hydrofracturing breccia bodies predicted on the basis of the partitioning deformation tectonic type have been proved by drilling 根據構造模型預測的隱伏含金水壓角礫巖體己獲鉆探初步驗證。