
brahmin n.1.婆羅門〔印度種姓 (caste) 四等級中的最高...


Eighty percent of the local population is hindu . the brahmins of india have observed ahimsa non - violence and carried out spiritual practice from generation to generation for thousands of years . when the quan yin messenger conversed with them , they all felt as close as family members 由于當地居民有80 %信奉印度教,而印度的婆羅門更是世世代代修行嚴謹且持守不暴力的戒律,所以當觀音使者和他們互相交流時,彼此感覺像一家人般親切。

The brahmin legends assert that this city is built on the site of the ancient casi , which , like mahomet s tomb , was once suspended between heaven and earth ; though the benares of to - day , which the orientalists call the athens of india , stands quite unpoetically on the solid earth 火車十二點半到達貝拿勒斯,據婆羅門教的傳說,現在的貝拿勒斯是古代卡西城的舊址,卡西城從前就象穆罕默德的陵墓一樣是空懸在天頂和天底之間的。

Passepartout , however , thinking no harm , went in like a simple tourist , and was soon lost in admiration of the splendid brahmin ornamentation which everywhere met his eyes , when of a sudden he found himself sprawling on the sacred flagging 路路通一點也沒想到會闖下大禍,就象平平常常的游客一樣走進了瑪勒巴山的寺院里,他正在欣賞那金碧輝煌光彩奪目的印度教的裝飾,突然被人推倒在神殿里的石板地上了。

The priests took their places in front of the judge , and the clerk proceeded to read in a loud voice , a complaint of sacrilege against phileas fogg and his servant , who were accused of having violated a place held consecrated by the brahmin religion 三個僧侶朝著法官站著,書記官開始高聲誦讀控告斐利亞福克先生和他的仆人褻讀神靈的訴狀:被告曾經玷污了婆羅門教神圣的寺廟。

Parasu - rama - rama with the axe - in the form of a hero , rama , armed with an axe , vishnu destroys the ksatriyas , or warrior caste , in the interest of the priestly caste , the brahmins 持斧羅摩? ?羅摩,以一種英雄的姿態,裝備有斧頭,毗瑟奴為了僧侶階層婆羅門的利益而毀壞剎帝利,或者武士階層。

As he mellowed , he joined holmes and the others under the brahmin umbrella , in the belief that boston - cambridge offered the best of both worlds 年事逐長之后,他加入了露姆斯等人的紳士派文人行列,他們相信波士頓- -劍橋是新舊兩個世界最好的東西薈萃的地方。

Consequently , vedic learning by rote was encouraged and prized , particularly among brahmins , where learning of one ' s own vedic texts was a mandated duty 因此,機械地學習吠陀是受到鼓勵和贊揚,尤其是在婆羅門中間,學習吠陀文獻是一個受委托的責任。

Now while buddha was still residing near rajagrha , a young brahmin named vakula , a native of shravasti , chanced to hear the dharma preached 那時,當佛陀還住在王舍城附近的時候,有一個叫作瓦庫拉的年輕婆羅門,從舍衛國來,偶然聽到宣講的法

Some brahmins , clad in all the sumptuousness of oriental apparel , and leading a woman who faltered at every step , followed 他們都穿著豪華的東方式的僧袍,正拉著一個踉踉蹌蹌站立不穩的女人往前走。

Mark twain would have cut it out himself , being much more anxious than the brahmins to achieve good taste 馬克?吐溫自己也可能把它拿掉的,因為他在講究“風雅”方面比起紳士派人來有過之無不及。

When this was said , the brahmin householders of nagaravinda said to the blessed one : magnificent , master gotama ! 世尊宣說至此,婆羅門在家長者們贊嘆:偉大的領導者,喬達摩!

Vamana - the dwarf - vamana is the fifth avatara of vishnu , a dwarf brahmin . he is also known as upendra 侏儒? ?毗瑟奴的第五個化身,一個矮小的婆羅門。他也被認為是烏彭鐸。

Once a dying brahmin was told by his friends that a vision of flames portended the brahm realm 過去有一個婆羅門死的時候他朋友告訴他:看到火意味著梵天界。

Sashi and sarat were two cousins who came from a pious brahmin family of calcutta 薩西和薩拉特是一對表兄弟,來自加爾各答一個虔誠的婆羅門家庭。

So the charge runs , as leveled at the brahmins by verson l . parringyon 這樣的指責川流不息,正如弗森?巴靈頓施加于紳士派文人身上的那樣。

In past centuries , brahmins have been the primary practitioners of jyotish 在過去數百年,婆羅門是主要的周諦士從業者。

As he mellowed, he joined holmes and the others under the brahmin umbrella, in the belief that boston-cambridge offered the best of both worlds . 年事逐長之后,他加入了露姆斯等人的紳士派文人行列,他們相信波士頓--劍橋是新舊兩個世界最好的東西薈萃的地方。

Mark twain would have cut it out himself, being much more anxious than the brahmins to achieve good taste . 馬克吐溫自己也可能把它拿掉的,因為他在講究“風雅”方面比起紳士派人來有過之無不及。

In this sense we can agree with parrington that the total impression left by the brahmins is of undue refinement . 在這一點上,我們同意巴靈頓的看法;紳士派文人留給我們的整個印象是過于精美了。