
braggart n.吹牛大家。adj.吹牛的,自夸自大的。

But for the moment wendy was shocked . “ you conceit [ braggart ] , “ she exclaimed , with frightful sarcasm ; “ of course i did nothing ! 不過,當時溫迪可驚駭極了。 “你這個自大狂, ”她譏誚地驚叫說, “當然? ,我什么也沒干! ”


When people self promote with vague generalities they are seen as braggarts , but when you point to specific information , you are simply sharing helpful data 當人們用模糊概括的話來做自我推銷時,人們會覺得他們是在自夸,但當你展示的是詳細信息時,你就是在分享有用的數據。

When you ' ve spent ten years in stir , as i had then , you can get awfully tired of the bellowers and the braggarts and the loud - mouths 當一個象我這樣的人在這個亂哄哄的大染缸里混了十來年后,那些咆哮、吹噓、夸夸其談令我感到惡心。

But for the moment wendy was shocked . “ you conceit [ braggart ] , “ she exclaimed , with frightful sarcasm ; “ of course i did nothing ! 不過,當時溫迪可驚駭極了。 “你這個自大狂, ”她譏誚地驚叫說, “當然? ,我什么也沒干! ”

Prince vassily is a braggart , an empty - headed fool , and a nice fellow the son is , i expect , he growled to himself 瓦西里公爵是個胸無點墨的吹牛家,兒子,得啦,未必能成材。 ”他暗自嘮叨地說。

Theritos may be a braggart , but he backs up his swagger with his fierce fighting skills 也許瑟里特斯是個牛皮大王,但他能夠用兇猛的戰斗技巧證明自己所言非虛。

So many braggarts and jerks 太多好吹牛皮的蠢貨。

But if he is born in spring , he will be less of a braggart 但是如果他在春天出生,他將是較務實。

Don ' t like braggart , dislike the person of the lying 不喜歡吹牛皮,最討厭說謊的人。

Sir, i don't seek a quarrel, not being a braggart . 先生,我并不想尋釁挑斗,也不是愛吹牛的人。

However, captain prien was no braggart . 不過,普里恩艦長卻不是一個夸大其詞的人。